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Articles posted on 2010

CareerOne iPhone App
8:30am Tuesday 21 December 2010
Tags: geolocation careerone iphone app iphone app mobile recruiting careerone job board candidate profile mobile job board

CareerOne has finally released the first part of their mobile arsenal. The CareerOne iPhone App was released last night allowing job seekers to search, shortlist and apply for jobs. read more...

MyCareer's LinkedIn integration
7:30am Tuesday 21 December 2010
Tags: mycareer linkedin job board single signon linkedin integration job search job matching social networking

MyCareer has quietly integrated a number of LinkedIn features onto their job board. Users can use their existing LinkedIn profile as a "single sign on" to MyCareer instead of using the Fairfax registration process. read more...

All I want for Christmas are some funny job ads
7:30am Monday 13 December 2010
Tags: christmas job ads funny job ads

Tis the silly season for Christmas job ads. If you have seen any worth sharing, let me know. read more...

OWASP Top 10 and your Recruitment Website - Part 2
4:37pm Thursday 09 December 2010
Tags: recruitment security recruitment websites owasp job boards dmitry kulshitsky security hacking insecure direct object references xss sql injections cross-site request forgery csrf

In part 1 of this series we started a conversation about the OWASP Top 10 most prevalent security vulnerabilities and how relevant these issues were to a typical recruitment web site. In the 2nd part we will review the next 2 items from this list. read more...

So you want to run a job board...
11:41am Thursday 09 December 2010
Tags: job board job board sales job ads job board software job board traffic recruitment technology

Do you have what it takes to run a successful (and profitable) new job board in Australia? Chances are no. read more...

Australian Job Board Statistics - November 2010
9:43am Monday 06 December 2010
Tags: job board statistics job board report october 2010 careerone mycareer job board seek nielsen netratings

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during November 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 4.245m, CareerOne 1.717m, MyCareer 1.383m read more...

TradeMe Jobs API
11:20am Monday 29 November 2010
Tags: trademejobs trademe jobs api job board job ads xml api oauth

It seems everyone is releasing APIs at the moment. TradeMe's public API has been out for a few weeks now and I have finally managed to get around to building some examples. The TradeMe API is built on a simple RESTful standard. It uses HTTP request methods to GET/POST data via XML/JSON. read more...

SEEK adds LinkedIn profile import tool
7:00am Monday 29 November 2010
Tags: seek linkedin linkedin api job board linkedin integration job board resume database candidate profile

SEEK has finally released the new job seeker resume database. Registered job seekers will now be able to parse their existing resume (using FAST Search) OR import their existing LinkedIn profile to the new SEEK job seeker database. SEEK's LinkedIn integration is very simple for job seekers to use and it's modeled on the same processed I have discussed previously. read more...

MyCareer, TradeMe, & TheBigChair?? What is happening down in Fairfax land
8:00am Wednesday 24 November 2010
Tags: mycareer thebigchair trademe jobs fairfax media job boards online recruitment online strategy niche job board job ad yields

Yesterday, Fairfax Media released an important announcement (PDF) as a result of a long winding review of its entire business operations. There were a few strategic announcements made about the future of MyCareer and the new use for read more...

Facebook Messages: Are employers ready for unified communications?
9:59pm Tuesday 23 November 2010
Tags: facebook using facebook for recruitment google wave communication sms email facebook chat

Google Wave bought us new ways on how people communicate with each other. The idea was great, but did it users going back for more? I resisted writing about Google Wave. It was a good idea; great mind built an amazing product. Now, I love new gadgets and toys. Usually I am the first one to put my hand up to try something new, but I can't really write about Facebook Messages without trying it first. read more...

Oakley's Minister for Fun
6:39pm Tuesday 23 November 2010
Tags: oakley the ultimate job competition video interviews job applications video

There has been a plethora of job competitions over the past 12 months; you could forgive all media publications for not mentioning them ever again. Queensland's Best Job in the World was a mighty success, but on the flip side much can be said about Drake's The Ultimate Job comp. read more...

Australian Job Board Statistics - October 2010
9:00am Monday 01 November 2010
Tags: job board statistics job board report october 2010 careerone mycareer job board seek nielsen netratings

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during October 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 4.295m, CareerOne 1.625m, MyCareer 1.379m read more...

Adlogic Webservice API
7:30am Monday 01 November 2010
Tags: job ads adlogic webservice xml job board api soap adlogic webservice api recruitment website

Adlogic has released a webservice API which has opened up their internal system for 3rd party developers to build websites and applications from. They have also released a number of pre-built scripts allowing recruiters/employers to easily integrate their job board with the new webservice API. read more...

CareerOne Power Search
9:24pm Sunday 31 October 2010
Tags: careerone monster power resume search 6sense job search job board semantic search job keywords power search

CareerOne has quietly switched on PowerSearch across the public job search function and the resume database. Behind PowerSearch, is a product called 6Sense which has been awarded multiple patents for its semantic search technology. read more...

SEEK mobile
5:47pm Sunday 31 October 2010
Tags: seek seek mobile mobile recruitment mobile job search iphone app job board mobile job site mobile recruiting

In what is shaping up to be a "battle for the mobile job seeker". SEEK has finally released the first stage of its mobile arsenal. The new SEEK mobile website is a very simple site that automatically detects and then redirects users who view the main site to the mobile version read more...

How to make job searching cool
11:37am Wednesday 13 October 2010
Tags: funny job ads job boards careerone mycareer seek mgmt tv commercials funny videos mycareer lube indigenous jobs australia

Add 2 cups of creativity, a message, a few "below the line" suggestions and target the correct audience. Don't you just love the creativity of marketing agencies? Some people may find them a bit weird while others marvel at the creativity. Below are some of my other favourite job search videos (besides the Monster/CareerBuilder Superbowl ads). I can't remember this TV campaign from MyCareer ever going to air. Do you? read more...

Android. What you need to know
8:00am Monday 11 October 2010
Tags: mobile recruitment android google mobile operating systems android applications android job search app recruitment websites mobile websites iphone android market

I've been working on a few different Android Apps for clients over the past week and it's been quite interesting to learn how powerful the OS has become. You will be surprised to know that Google's Android mobile operating system is now the most popular OS among those who bought a new smartphone in the United States. read more...

Australian Job Board Statistics - September 2010
1:16pm Monday 04 October 2010
Tags: job board mycareer careerone september 2010 job board report job board statistics seek nielsen netratings

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during September 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 4.128m, CareerOne 1.591m, MyCareer 1.323m read more...

It's becoming harder to find appropriate candidates
9:00am Tuesday 28 September 2010
Tags: recruitment statistics recruitment industry statistics rcsa rcsa quarterly business manager survey statistics

The latest RCSA Quarterly Business Manager Survey (Apr - Jun 2010) focused on a number of on-hire and contract employment questions. The survey notes that both business confidence and expectations of growth have eased since April. Growth has dropped from its historic high 1 point to 72.5 while members expect next quarter’s business volumes to drop to 7.9% compared with last round's level of 8.9%. read more...

JobServe's Mobile Resume Search
7:00am Tuesday 28 September 2010
Tags: jobserve jobserve headhunter mobile recruitment jobserve mobile mobile job search mobile resume database

October is set to be a ripper of a month with a number of BIG mobile product set to be released across the industry from a number of job boards and technology providers. I've been following the evolution of Jobserve mobile offerings for the past 12 months and the latest release is a mobile version of it's Resume Search service dubbed Jobserve Connect Headhunter. read more...

Carey Eaton talking about "The Marketplace"
10:51pm Monday 27 September 2010
Tags: seek robert half carey eaton cio recruitment technology interview

Robert Half recently interviewed Carey Eaton, CIO at SEEK on the role (and career path) of a CIO. It's quite interesting to hear why SEEK is not a technology company and his views on the marketplace. read more...

IE9 Jump Lists
1:24pm Tuesday 21 September 2010
Tags: internet explorer 9 ie9 jump lists html5 job search apps taskbar pinning online recruitment mycareer recent searches

Last week, Microsoft released a beta version of the new Internet Explorer called IE9. I am not a big fan of IE, but I actually can't contain my excitement over some of the new features. read more...

I love RSS
3:19pm Wednesday 15 September 2010
Tags: rss xml rss feeds social media social recruiting rss job feeds

I really do love RSS feeds. We have written about the use of using RSS feeds in job searches and also creating your own RSS feed previously. RSS feeds save you TIME and increases PRODUCTIVITY. This presentation by David Swinney sums it all up. read more...

2010 Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle
2:34pm Wednesday 15 September 2010
Tags: emerging technologies hype cycle recruitment technology mobile recruiting gartner gartner hype cycle 2010

Technology is moving at a rapid rate. Working out what will be the next big thing is a challenge for most. Should we invest now or wait for the technology to mature. Gartner's Hype Cycle Special Report for 2010 (PDF) consists of 75 individual Hype Cycle reports, each of which gives a snapshot perspective of a key area of IT or business. read more...

Online Recruitment - Past, Present & Future
7:08pm Monday 06 September 2010
Tags: online recruitment mark anderson job boards social media social recruitment hr florida mobile recruiting future of job boards mobile applications job board seo recruitment marketing google

Mark Anderson, Senior Director of Enterprise Sales from presents on the topic of Online Recruitment, how it started, where it is now, and where it's going in the future at the HR Florida State Conference & Expo 2010. read more...

Opportunities and Challenges post the GFC and in preparation for environmental changes
6:25pm Monday 06 September 2010
Tags: rcsa confereence matthew tukaki green jobs recruitment presentation job boards

One of the most talked about topics among recruiters since the RCSA Conference last week has been Matthew Tukaki's presentation titled "Opportunities and Challenges post the GFC and in preparation for environmental changes". read more...

Stand out from the crowd - Using Embedded Objects in Job Ads
2:30pm Tuesday 17 August 2010
Tags: oembed embedly api using video in recruitment video job ads job board online recruitment youtube media objects rich media regular expressions slideshare

Have you ever wanted to add a video, slideshare presentation, a chat room or some other 3rd party media objects into your job ads? Nearly all job board software restricts the advertiser from placing HTML embedded code into job ads. So, wouldn't it be cool if you can just paste a URL and it automatically creates the embedded object without having the user copy and paste the code? read more...

IT Video Resume - Killa Appz
4:33pm Monday 09 August 2010
Tags: using video in recruitment video cv youtube dave berzack web development rap song candidate video resume

Dave Berzack, a freelance web developer, created this music video about web development. He raps along to the paper planes track about his skills to pay the bills. Certainly stands out amongst a pile of CV’s. There’s not much else I can add to this... Just watch the video! read more...

OWASP Top 10 and your Recruitment Website - Part 1
8:30am Monday 09 August 2010
Tags: dmitry kulshitsky security recruitment website job board owasp sql injection xss cross-site scripting broken authentication session management login form design hacking website security user authentication

OWASP has recently updated their list of the top 10 most prevalent security vulnerabilities. Since this list covers all major aspects of computer security it is interesting to check what are the issues that are relevant to a typical recruitment website or job board and (exercising the 80/20 rule) what are the key questions we should ask ourselves (or our IT/security staff) to be sure that we don't miss anything critical. read more...

Data Applications and Infrastructure at LinkedIn
8:30am Friday 06 August 2010
Tags: linkedin linkedin infrastructure data management database hadoop zoie bobo decomposer norbert voldermort kamikaze sensei azkaban apache data warehousing open source software

At a recent presentation by Jay Kreps of LinkedIn at the Hadoop Sumit 2010. Jay describes how LinkedIn crunches 120 billion relationships per day and blends large scale data computation with high volume, low latency site serving. read more...

How to confuse a job seeker - Part 2
2:25pm Monday 02 August 2010
Tags: classification structure job board online recruitment form design

Following on from our previous article on How to confuse a job seeker... Step 1. Create a complex and "unique" classification list Step 2. Expect the job seeker to select the correct item from the list read more...

2010 Email Marketing Benchmark Report - HR/Recruitment Sector
1:46pm Monday 02 August 2010
Tags: email marketing uk email marketing benchmark report statistics email metrics email open rates

The latest 2010 UK Email Marketing Benchmark Report (Q1 & 2) analysed over 200 million email marketing messages sent through their online marketing platform in the 6 months from 1st January - 30th June 2010. The breakdown of statistics by sector did not paint a very flattering picture for the HR/Recruitment industry. read more...

Australian Job Board Statistics - August 2010
9:00am Sunday 01 August 2010
Tags: job board mycareer careerone august 2010 job board report job board statistics seek nielsen netratings

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during August 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 4.165m, CareerOne 1.652m, MyCareer 1.371m read more...

Plan for the worst
6:37pm Wednesday 28 July 2010
Tags: recruitment technology data storage website hosting recruitment website recruitment database backup plan recruitment vendors

It's every business owner’s worst nightmare - What would happen if we lost all our data? Goodbye thousands of candidate records. Goodbye client lists and financial information. Instead of pointing the finger and blaming someone else, do you have plans in place to backup your data in the first place? read more...

Log in with LinkedIn
7:30am Monday 19 July 2010
Tags: linkedin api login with linkedin user registration oauth job boards recruitment agency website trusted authentication registration form login form social networking facebook connect social recruitment social recruiting

We have released "Log in with LinkedIn" functionality across a number of our client job boards and recruitment agency websites. This is a first for the Australian & New Zealand recruitment industry that allows users to use their existing LinkedIn details to Register/Login with another site. read more...

Search Jobs by Salary Range
9:00am Sunday 18 July 2010
Tags: search jobs by salary range pay scale salary brackets annual salary hourly pay rate job board job search

SEEK has released an updated search box that allows users to specify salary ranges. Although this "search by salary range" function is not new to the online recruitment industry. We wanted to have a look at a number of different ways your job board or recruitment agency can offer this function. read more...

Mobile Recruitment Websites - Keep it simple
1:53pm Tuesday 13 July 2010
Tags: mobile recruitment mobile job sites iphone application blackberry application iphone job search application android application mobile recruiting

Does your Job Board or Recruitment Agency website need a native iPhone, Android or BlackBerry application? More than likely the answer will be no. Save your money. You don't need to spend upwards of $5k+ for a single native application. But what you do need is a mobile enabled website. read more...

Job ad of the month - I'm tired of writing boring adverts for boring Recruitment Consultants
9:26pm Monday 05 July 2010
Tags: engineering people funny job ad job ads keyword loading job ad of the month

Did I miss the memo on funny job ad day? Today I came across a number of funny (and a few weird) job ad copies including "This is DOPE" and "If this sounds like your kind of gig, then please send us your CV and an idea of your salary expectations to one of the sexiest men on the planet (WTF)…our Human Resources Manager". read more...

Australian Job Board Statistics - June 2010
4:07pm Friday 02 July 2010
Tags: job board mycareer careerone june 2010 job board report job board statistics seek nielsen netratings

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during June 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.899m, CareerOne 1.554m, MyCareer 1.264m read more...

Social Recruiting is a dirty word
11:00am Thursday 01 July 2010
Tags: social recruiting social media social recruitment thomas shaw presentation facebook twitter linkedin recruitment websites social media privacy mobile recruiting job boards social recruitment strategy

Today, I gave quite a controversial presentation to a group of Recruitment Agency owners on Social Recruiting. When I was first asked to present to this group a few months ago, I was initially asked to speak about "Social Media and it's use in the Recruitment process". I said no, I wasn't interested. read more...

Australian Job Board Statistics - July 2010
9:00am Thursday 01 July 2010
Tags: job board mycareer careerone july 2010 job board report job board statistics seek nielsen netratings

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during July 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 4.071m, CareerOne 1.578m, MyCareer 1.338m read more...

You Are Here!
1:58pm Monday 28 June 2010
Tags: geolocation html5 api location services candidate stalking google maps geolocation api foursquare security online recruitment

Soon, all browsers will support the HTML5 Geolocation API by default. Geolocation is the core function behind sites like Foursquare which can work out where you are located. I have previously talked about using Geolocation services used for sourcing or stalking candidates, but it does have some other uses in online recruitment. read more...

XAuth. What is it?
8:00am Thursday 24 June 2010
Tags: xauth oauth user autheitication openid facebook connect api opensocial registration form login form social networking

Extended Authentication (XAuth) is a new open platform to extend authenticated user services across the web. You may have noticed that more and more websites are integrating with 3rd party services to allow users to use their existing profile (ie Facebook, LinkedIn, OpenID) to connect with your site. read more...

Product Management Axioms
4:27pm Wednesday 23 June 2010
Tags: product management sales sales process customer needs user adoption saeed khan customer research recruitment software job board software

For those readers interested in Product Management. Let's have a look at some product management axioms originally thought of by Saeed Khan in 2007, and recently summarised in his presentation on the topic. read more...

Tips for Avoiding Website Roadblocks
3:22pm Wednesday 23 June 2010
Tags: website development recruitment websites software projects client satisfaction zurb tips for avoiding website roadblocks

When developing any type of website or software application. Too often you get stuck at the magical 90% completion mark. 90% does not equal 100% satisfaction for any client. We have all been in these situations and Zurb has put together a quick 6 Tips to Avoiding Website Roadblocks blog post. read more...

Australian Job Board Statistics - May 2010
8:00am Thursday 17 June 2010
Tags: job board statistics job board report may 2010 careerone mycareer job board seek nielsen netratings

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during May 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.998m, CareerOne 1.610m, MyCareer 1.338m read more...

Apply for a job by attaching your LinkedIn profile
12:04pm Tuesday 15 June 2010
Tags: linkedin api job board jobping application autofill

It was only a matter of time before Australian job boards start integrating with the LinkedIn API. We have discussed utilising the LinkedIn API a number of times previously. read more...

Job ad of the month - No weed smoking hippies
2:06pm Monday 14 June 2010
Tags: funny job ads fusion workforce job ad of the month job board mycareer

It's not often you see funny job ads in the paper. But in this weekend’s edition of The Age/MyCareer, (amongst the plethora of ads promoting their iPhone app) I came across a funny job ad by Fusion Workforce. read more...

Is your job board PCI DSS compliant?
8:30am Monday 07 June 2010
Tags: pci dss job board compliance payment card industry data security standard credit card payments security visa mastercard pci dss access controls

The most common method job boards use to accept payments is via a credit card. If you accept, process or store credit card information, you have to accept the responsibilities of being PCI compliant. read more...

Do not pay to post your jobs to Twitter
8:00am Monday 07 June 2010
Tags: twitter social recruiting social media job posting ats using twitter for recruitment

Recruiters who pay $ to post jobs on Twitter are twits! You can post your job manually, via RSS feed or through your existing multi-posting provider/ATS. There is no need to pay a separate fee to post your jobs to Twitter. read more...

MyCareer iPhone App
8:00am Monday 31 May 2010
Tags: mycareer mycareer iphone app iphone job search shortlist jobs sync shortlist job board add notes mobile recruiting mobile recruitment

MyCareer has released their much anticipated iPhone job search application to the Australian marketplace. The iPhone app has all the standard bells-n-whistle job board functions - search jobs, view job, shortlist, email and a few other surprises including read more...

Cut the fat. If you still use IE 6, it's time to upgrade
9:51pm Tuesday 25 May 2010
Tags: cut the fat internet browser ie 6 browser detection microsoft internet explorer mozilla firefox google chrome safari job board recruitment website

I hate supporting old internet browsers. Listen up fellow webmasters, job boards and solution providers. If you spend hours designing your site to work perfectly in IE 6, you’re taking away any incentive from slow adopters to drop their old browser. Take a stand and insist your users upgrade to the latest browser versions. read more...

NZ Public Service Workforce Data
12:44pm Monday 24 May 2010
Tags: nz public service workforce data statistics dataset human resource capability public service employment public service staff numbers state services commission gov2.0

Governments across the world are starting to make public sector information available to increase their openness and transparency by publishing raw data online. By having publicly available data sets, it stimulates innovation and leads to economic benefits by allowing researchers to perform their own analysis and developers to create useful applications. read more...

Australian Job Board Statistics - April 2010
4:29pm Tuesday 18 May 2010
Tags: job board statistics job board report april 2010 careerone mycareer job board seek nielsen netratings

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during April 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.769m, CareerOne 1.527m, MyCareer 1.265m read more...

Hippo iPhone App
4:42pm Thursday 13 May 2010
Tags: hippo jobs twitter facebook oauth hippo iphone app iphone application sort search results job board social recruiting mobile recruiting mobile recruitment

Hippo Jobs have released their own iPhone application. Yes, they are still alive. Overall, the application design is quite nice. The app can use your phones geolocation data to search for jobs close to you. Same as some other iPhone job search applications (eg JobServe). read more...

The Apprentice NZ - More jobs than you can poke a stick at
8:00am Thursday 13 May 2010
Tags: the apprentice new zealand seek new zealand helen souness annemarie duff job board

I have finally managed to track down a embeddable copy of The Apprentice New Zealand aired in April. In this episode (Week 8, 6th April 2010), the contestants are set a challenge by SEEK NZ. read more...

Oops! Tips - May 2010
11:23pm Wednesday 12 May 2010
Tags: oops tips html formatting job boards recruitment websites job ads job ad errors employment advertising translating html code google maps keyword spam

With the ever changing technology landscape, job boards will never be 100% perfect. Here are some little bugs we have spotted over the past few weeks. read more...

Please review my CV - Trojan Horse
10:35pm Tuesday 11 May 2010
Tags: virus resume job board recruitment website antivirus software resume virus security trojan horse trojan sasfis candidate resume

Do you virus scan all candidate resumes and other documents before you open them? Chances are YOU may be the perfect candidate these people are looking for. read more...

auDA .au Domain Name Drop Lists
11:07am Tuesday 11 May 2010
Tags: auda domain names dot au recruitment agency job board domain name drop list domain registration

Do you know when your .au domain name is going to expire? When most people purchase a .au domain name they think they own the domain name for life. Unfortunately that has never been the case, and with the introduction of the Domain Renewal, Expiry and Deletion Policy (pdf) by the auDA now everyone will know if you forget to renew your domain name. read more...

Creative Thinking and Problem Solving
10:22pm Sunday 09 May 2010
Tags: problem solving creative thinking

Every day we are faced with a number of problems. Problems don't usually go away. They need to be solved. What is your method for solving problems? read more...

Social Recruiting in Australia and New Zealand. What do Recruiters really think about it?
8:00am Friday 30 April 2010
Tags: rcsa rcsa quarterly business manager survey social media social recruiting job boards source candidates recruitment marketing strategy social networking background checks social recruiting in australia niche job boards refer a friend proshortlist twitter facebook linkedin recruitment industry statistics recruitment statistics social recruiting statistics social recruiting in new zealand

The latest RCSA Quarterly Business Manager Survey for 1st Qtr, 2010 has been released. It's no surprise that mainstream job boards still lead the advertising medium recruiters use to source candidates. The trend indicates recruiters are decreasing the use of networking events, niche job boards and refer-a-friend incentives (see image below). read more...

Login with LinkedIn buttons
2:05pm Thursday 29 April 2010
Tags: linkedin linkedin api api login buttons job board recruitment website using the linkedin api

If you are using the LinkedIn API to integrate it with your job board, recruitment website. You maybe interested in using one of the standard "Log in with LinkedIn" buttons. read more...

Recent Job Searches
6:44pm Wednesday 28 April 2010
Tags: recent job searches job board mycareer job search form fast same origin policy sop number of latest jobs

There was a function added to MyCareer's new homepage last week I seemed to have missed. While it's not uncommon for job boards to record (and display) your recent job searches, this one caught my eye. read more...

The ugly side to blogging
5:18pm Tuesday 27 April 2010
Tags: blogging blogging for recruiters recruitment blog linkme blog spam spam

If you run a blog, you should keep it clean. Unfortunately automated systems are not fool proof and spammers can attack your site. The best thing to do if you no longer blog (and update your system software) is to delete it. read more...

Facebook Advertising recap
3:12pm Sunday 25 April 2010
Tags: facebook using facebook for recruitment facebook advertising recruitment advertising display ads ppc pay per click nielsen social media ad impressions social recruiting social recruitment

Forget fan pages, applications, and searching for user profiles. One of the easiest ways to get in front of users on Facebook is by using Facebook Ads. read more...

How cybermule jobs work
2:08pm Sunday 25 April 2010
Tags: job boards cybermule fake job ads scam jobs symantec job ads recruitment website

Symantec has put together a short educational video on how cyber mule jobs work and why you need to avoid these types of job ads. Job boards work very hard to put in processes to validate each advertiser and the legitimacy of the job ads before they are posted on their site. But scammers are getting smarter and we all need to learn how to spot suspect job ads. read more...

New homepage design for MyCareer
3:19pm Thursday 22 April 2010
Tags: mycareer job board job board design print advertising job search job advert title job search results

MyCareer has (finally) updated their homepage design with a smaller menu bar, large job search box and quick links for the various job seeker tools. The design is less "yellow" and creates a smoother job search entry. read more...

Are you using WordPress for your Recruitment Website? Check your security
12:01pm Monday 19 April 2010
Tags: wordpress wordpress recruitment website hack insecure software directory listings network solutions database password web application security wordpress job board software security

Do you use WordPress? Are you aware of the security implications around the software? Over the past week, thousands of WordPress websites have been compromised with malicious malware code inserted into the database read more...

Relaunch of Lifestyle Careers
11:37am Monday 19 April 2010
Tags: website design recruitment website recruitment agency website job board software job board design recruitmentzoo lifestyle careers

Over the past 2 weeks, we have worked on the relaunch of Lifestyle Careers onto our job board software platform. We welcome Leah and her team. read more...

Recruiters - Delete your social networking profile if you no longer use it
4:19pm Wednesday 14 April 2010
Tags: social media social recruitment social networking delete your social networking profile recruiters social recruiting strategy facebook twitter myspace

If you tried to recruit via Twitter, Facebook, MySpace etc and have since stopped. It may be a good idea to delete your social networking presence to avoid the embarrassment from clients, candidates and other recruiters from finding your profile and calling you a failure. read more...

Integrating Facebook Connect in your job site is not rocket science
1:08pm Monday 12 April 2010
Tags: facebook connect api job board recruitment website integration facebook data candidate registration user information social recruiting social recruitment social networking social recruiting strategy

Just over 12 months ago I wrote a blog post titled Integrating Facebook Connect with your Job Board on the pros of doing this. Since then, I have only seen a handful of job sites with Facebook Connect integration. Why? apparently it's too hard to do. read more...

Problems with highlighting text
2:51pm Sunday 11 April 2010
Tags: job search results user experience job advert taleo highlight text job board recruitment system html code

Highlighting keyword search terms in a search result list or job advert may look and feel nice. It can also be useful for quickly finding relevant words within large pages of text. But, it can have the reverse effect if you don’t script it correctly! read more...

Job Board Statistics - March 2010
7:02pm Tuesday 06 April 2010
Tags: nielsen netratings job board statistics job board mycareer careerone seek march 2010 job board report

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during March 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 4.26m, CareerOne 1.789m, MyCareer 1.493m read more...

What will my job site look like on the iPad?
8:00am Tuesday 06 April 2010
Tags: ipad recruitment applications ipad recruitment ipad job search recruitment website job board ux website design mobile recruitment desktop version mobile version apple bookmark icon iphone job search what will my job site look like on the ipad ipad emulator ipad simulator

The iPad has finally been released into the wild, and everyone is now scrambling over it to see what changes it will have on the way people view and experience web sites. read more...

How secure is your Recruitment website? Part 5 - Cross-site scripting (XSS)
8:00am Tuesday 30 March 2010
Tags: cross site scripting xss insecure recruitment websites job board security how secure is your recruitment website defacement dmitry kulshitsky untrusted data

According to OWASP, cross-site scripting (XSS) flaws occur whenever an application takes untrusted data and sends it to a web browser without proper validation and escaping. XSS allows attackers to execute script in the victim’s browser which can hijack user sessions, deface web sites, or redirect the user to malicious sites. read more...

Jobvite Share
11:40am Monday 29 March 2010
Tags: jobvite social networking twitter facebook linkedin job ads multiposting share jobs on social networks click tracking email address url shortner

Jobvite has released a new beta site to allow you to easily share your job on social networking sites and with your own friends in a few simple steps. The process takes less than 60 seconds, and can integrate with your Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and email account providers. It doesn't even need to be your own job. If you find a job you want to share, you can shorten the URL via the site and share it with your own friends. read more...

Australian HR Tech Report
11:17am Monday 29 March 2010
Tags: hr technology hris australian hr technology report navigo applicant tracking system recruitment system human resources information systems information systems

Navigo has just released the first edition of the Australian HR Tech Report. The report analyses Australian HRIS adoption, satisfaction with system implementations, motivators and roadblocks for systems improvement. One of the areas I was interested in was section on Applicant Tracking/Recruitment (ATS). read more...

PHP Code Snippet - Delete Batch Uploaded Job Files
3:12pm Thursday 25 March 2010
Tags: php code snippet job board job board software bulk jobs ftp upload recruitment database software applicant tracking system multi posting system batch job upload

If you manage any type of job board, there is a high chance you have some sort of 3rd party integration with your recruitment database software, applicant tracking system or multi posting system. This PHP code snippet will help developers who accept batch job uploaded files via FTP. read more...

Cut the fat. Application Form Filename Structure #2
12:26am Thursday 25 March 2010
Tags: recruitment technology online recruitment unique filename application form filename conversion online application form cut the fat application form filename structure

Why would you make a candidate rename the filename to reflect the source when applying for a job? Are recruiters this lazy and technology deprived? Come on, let’s cut the fat and improve the candidate’s experience. read more...

How to confuse a job seeker
11:42am Monday 22 March 2010
Tags: online recruitment job board location structure classification structure

Step 1. Create a confusing location structure.Step 2. No Step 2, The candidate has left your site. read more...

You know how much I feel like writing an advert on a friggin Sunday afternoon...
11:12am Monday 22 March 2010
Tags: funny job ads job board mining manager job ad of the month

If you are unsure what "friggin" means, have a read of the Urban Dictionary. read more...

Recruiting Analytics that Matter
1:43pm Wednesday 17 March 2010
Tags: analytics online recruitment job board applicant tracking system recruitment analytics statistics newton software recruitment software

Newton Software has put together a simple guide to getting started with recruiting analytics. The recruiting analytics that you decide to capture should answer the most common questions that arise in recruiting. read more...

How long do you keep the candidates application for?
5:37pm Tuesday 16 March 2010
Tags: application form candidate privacy candidate details personal information form design privacy policy business records

While researching application forms today, I came across an question that I had to share. It's one of these questions which no one really talks about. "How long will you permit us to store your personal information in the database?" read more...

Are your job ads mobile tagged? 2D Barcodes - QR Code & Microsoft Tag
7:45am Friday 05 March 2010
Tags: qr code barcode microsoft tag mobile marketing quick responce codes recruit2retail job ads mobile recruiting iphone qr code reader interactive job ads interactive marketing digital marketing data matrix hccb high capacity color barcode recruitment marketing 2d barcodes recruitment metrics marketing roi

Have you ever noticed weird barcodes printed in the newspaper, on outdoor advertising posters or on the back of food packages? Don't panic, there was no stuff up at the printers. These barcodes are there for a reason…for YOU to scan over with your mobile phone and find out more information. read more...

Job Board Statistics - February 2010
4:12pm Wednesday 03 March 2010
Tags: seek careerone mycareer job board job board statistics nielsen netratings february 2010 job board report

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during February 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.98m, CareerOne 1.76m, MyCareer 1.43m read more...

Mobile Device Statistics & Mobile Application behaviour. AdMob Mobile Metrics report
10:13pm Tuesday 02 March 2010
Tags: admob mobile device statistics mobile statistics iphone applications admob mobile metrics mobile recruitment mobile recruiting native mobile applications iphone job search android iphone webos itouch ipod australian mobile statistics product development mobile operating system statistics

Lately, I have been working on new product development ideas around the use of mobile devices for a number of recruitment clients. Our discussions always seem to come back to this one question... Should we build a specific mobile application for the platform or optimise our existing website? read more...

Do you provide an API?
11:31am Monday 01 March 2010
Tags: api job board website traffic application programming interface job aggregators mashup aggregation data manipulation authentic jobs

Every website wants to have the highest number of visitors, and unfortunately this will either cost you lots of money or take you a considerable amount of time building a community. One of the ways you can build a traffic referral network and engage with your community is by providing an API. read more...

Thinking about a career as a Chartered Accountant? View the mobile website
1:13pm Wednesday 24 February 2010
Tags: mobile career sites iphone iphone job search chartered accountants accounting mobile job search career path

Becoming a Chartered Accountant is a long process... juggling work, study and family commitments for years! It's great to see industry bodies using technology to promote career paths to the new generation of workers. read more...

Congratulations Thomas. Top 25 Most Influential Online Recruiters!
11:24am Monday 22 February 2010
Tags: hrexaminer traackr top 25 most influential online recruiters jason buss bill vick thomas shaw jessica lee marc cenedella bill boorman peggy mckee michael long paul debettignies louise triance john sumser dave medoza shally steckerl jennifer mcclure alice snell glen cathey rusty reuff ben yoskovitz kelly dignee peter gold kevin grossman josh letourneau geoff webb amybeth hale dr john sullivan most influential online recruitment

John Sumser has just released HRExaminer's second series of lists documenting the online world’s Most Influential People in HR and its subsets. Australian Thomas Shaw has been included at number 3 of the Top 25 Most Influential Online Recruiters. Not only is it an honor to be included in John's research, but to be listed as the only Australian and at such a high ranking was a complete shock. read more...

Recruiters decrease the use of Niche Job Boards, Social Networking sites and Refer a Friend Incentives to source candidates?
10:32am Monday 22 February 2010
Tags: rcsa rcsa quarterly business manager survey media used to source candidates job boards networking events niche job boards job board refer a friend business networking trade magazines social networking virtual communication virtual game worlds 4th qtr 2009 candidates

The RCSA has released the latest Quarterly Business Manager Survey results for the 4th Qtr 2009. The survey results show a decrease in the use of Niche Job Boards, Social Networking sites and Refer a Friend Incentives to source candidates. But is this survey result a true reflection of industry trends or an error in the survey? read more...

Is your Job Application Form redirecting candidate applications to identity thieves?
1:52pm Wednesday 10 February 2010
Tags: hijacking job application forms identity theft url manipulation hacking job boards recruitment agency application form candidate details 3rd party application form email address url security risk

Did you know on some application forms you can manipulate the URL and have the candidate’s job application redirected to someone else’s email address? Job boards, career/recruitment websites are already a haven for identity thieves and this "oversight" on your application form is fueling their business! read more...

CareerBuilder vs Monster. 2010 Super Bowl Commercial
4:30pm Monday 08 February 2010
Tags: video youtube 2010 superbowl commercials football tv commercial

Super Bowl XLIV has just finished airing in the United States. One of the highlights each year is the release of new commercials. Over the past few years we have seen CareerBuilder battle against Monster for the best commercial. Who will take out the title this year? read more...

Examples of Search Suggest and Auto-Complete use in a job search
6:23pm Sunday 07 February 2010
Tags: autocomplete autosuggest autofill job search job board recruitment website user experience ux search suggest drop-down job search form job search metrics keyword misspellings did you mean 0 results returned

Search Suggest and/or Auto-Compete is a function usually applied to the keyword field of a job search form. The use of these functions enhances the users search experience through a "suggest as you type" or auto-complete functionality built into the job search form. read more...

Recruitment Consultant vs HR
5:54pm Friday 05 February 2010
Tags: recruitment consultant hr youtube using video in recruitment

Is this why Recruitment gets a bad name?

Job Board Statistics - January 2010
1:53pm Tuesday 02 February 2010
Tags: nielsen netratings job board statistics job board january 2010 seek careerone mycareer job board report

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during January 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.872m, CareerOne 1.747m, MyCareer 1.448m read more...

Creating a custom Apple iPhone icon for your website
11:14am Monday 01 February 2010
Tags: favicon iphone itouch webclip apple icon apple-touch-icon job board recruitment website

We are all used to creating a fancy favicon for our websites. But have you got around to creating a custom iPhone or iTouch icon yet? read more...

Tips for sending valid emails from your Recruitment Website
1:24am Monday 01 February 2010
Tags: email management recruitment websites email route job board reverse dns bulk email newsletters online application form email tips greylisting blacklisting smtp spf records sender policy framework

Most recruitment websites have some sort of online form capabilities - contact form, online timesheet, job order, newsletter signup form, email to friend form, online application form, etc. But could these emails be going directly to the users junk/spam folder or just never reaching the inbox in the first place? read more...

Job ads of the year
6:59pm Sunday 24 January 2010
Tags: job ads funny job ads job board border express passwords jobadder mass effect 2 razor electronic arts fake job ads dd cup breasts biotic-powered super-solider

Forget the bland and boring job ads. 2010 has started with a bang! This week we bring you 3 contenders for job ad of the year. These 3 job ads have gone viral across the globe and continue to give us a laugh. read more...

Cut the fat. CAPTCHA
11:32pm Monday 18 January 2010
Tags: captcha cut the fat application form job board application form spam spam bad behavior akismet user experience vvc visual verification code

CAPTCHA is a program that protects websites against bots and spam by generating and grading tests that humans can pass but computer programs cannot. Nobody wants to use CAPTCHAs. They're a necessary evil. So why do we use them on application forms? read more...

Geolocation based sourcing or stalking?
4:58pm Thursday 14 January 2010
Tags: geocodes geolocation geotagging location based sourcing location based recruitment proximity job search online recruitment foursquare using foursquare for recruitment demand spot mobile recruitment ip address stalking google maps api data manipulation privacy issues gowalla twitter

If you have been reading all the technology predictions for 2010, you may have noticed that location based services feature predominately. Online websites such as Foursquare, Gowalla and Twitter all have the ability to publically share and promote your current location. read more...

SMS referral programs
3:38pm Tuesday 12 January 2010
Tags: sms using sms in recruitment mobile recruitment job boards online recruitment refer a friend sms job alerts sms job to a friend sms referral program

Over the past few weeks I have been integrating SMS functionality into a number of recruitment agency websites. We are all used to having the ability to email a job to a friend, but these days you are more likely to remember your friends mobile number compared to their email address. read more...

iPhone Application Updates - Korn/Ferry, Radar Recruitment & LinkedIn
4:00pm Thursday 07 January 2010
Tags: iphone applications iphone mobile recruitment iphone job search korn ferry korn ferry conect radar recruit linkedin iphone application recruitment directory mobile job search mobile enabled job site mobile recruiting job search application people search google maps bluetooth download contacts linkedin address book address book mobile recruiting mobile recruitment

Over the past month, there has been a number of new and updated iPhone applications released by Korn/Ferry International, Radical Recruitment and LinkedIn. I have always been a firm big believer that you should optimise your website for mobile recruitment instead of building a native application. But is mobile going to become the recruitment platform of choice? read more...

2010 - The year of the lemon
12:52am Monday 04 January 2010
Tags: 2010 new year recruitment predictions new year predictions recruitment lemons social media social recruiting productivity recruitment technology

With 2009 finally behind us, we can now look forward to a new year. A year of possibilities. A year of continued success. I would like to thank all our clients, blog subscribers, twitter follower, industry commentators and the wider Recruitment/Human Resources community for your support throughout the year and for your return in 2010. read more...

Cut the fat. 1 job per job advert
9:28pm Sunday 03 January 2010
Tags: job advert job board online recruitment online job ads job advertising

Why do Recruiters continue to post more than 1 job per job advert? I can understand if the jobs are closely related, and I mean "closely related". But is posting a "latest jobs" or "hot jobs" list really that effective? read more...

Job Board Statistics - December 2009
9:00am Friday 01 January 2010
Tags: nielsen netratings job board statistics job board december 2009 seek careerone mycareer job board report

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during December 2009. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.064m, CareerOne 1.282m, MyCareer 1.087m read more...