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NZ Public Service Workforce Data

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 12:44pm Monday 24 May 2010    Print Article

Governments across the world are starting to make public sector information available to increase their openness and transparency by publishing raw data online. By having publicly available data sets, it stimulates innovation and leads to economic benefits by allowing researchers to perform their own analysis and developers to create useful applications.

The New Zealand Government's State Services Commission (SSC) has released data collected from the Human Resource Capability (HRC) survey which gathers annual data on all staff in Public Service departments. The report includes a wide range of information relevant to Human Resource Management, Equality and Diversity

The information dates back as far as 1913, although most of the tables show trends between 2001 and 2009. In summary, the dataset contains the following information. You can find other NZ Government data sets at

At department level:
  • Full time equivalent (FTE) staff numbers between 2000 and 2009.
At Public Service level:
  • Staff numbers (headcounts) between 1913 and 2009
  • Staff numbers by gender between 1994 and 2009
  • Staff numbers by agreement type (collective or individual) between 2001 and 2009
  • Staff numbers by agreement term (open/permanent or fixed term) between 2001 and 2009
  • The number of full and part time staff between 2001 and 2009
  • The number of staff by age (5-year groups) and gender between 2001 and 2009
  • The number of staff by age (5 year groups) and ethnicity between 2001 and 2009
  • Turnover rates between 2001 and 2009
  • Turnover rates between 2001 and 2009 by gender, ethnicity, length of service, age, and region
  • Equality and diversity data between 2001 and 2009.

Article URL:

Article Tags: nz public service workforce data statistics dataset human resource capability public service employment public service staff numbers state services commission gov2.0

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 Masood (8:32pm Thursday 06 October 2011)

Government should make its processes transparent and visible to public. But it should be under control.

 Spider Personnel (10:19am Tuesday 20 December 2011)

Yes, we have found these data set invauluable. It's about time we had this information. Looking forward to 2012

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