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Product Management Axioms

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 4:27pm Wednesday 23 June 2010    Print Article

For those readers interested in Product Management. Let's have a look at some product management axioms originally thought of by Saeed Khan in 2007, and recently summarised in his presentation on the topic.

  • Every Activity is part of a Sale
  • Nail it, then Scale it
  • Change is a process, not an event
  • Think horizontally, act vertically
The “Nail it, then Scale it” principle applies to software products in general and not simply web properties. Common reasons for not “nailing” it include:
  • Incorrect and unclear understanding of customer needs
  • Missing key functionality in the product
  • Flawed understanding of the competitive landscape
  • Improper pricing model relative to market expectations
  • Unaccounted changes in the market landscape
There may be other reasons, but if you look at all of those listed, two things are clear:
  • Additional work would need to be done to the product or company processes after the product was released to address the issues.
  • All of the issues could be addressed with basic research and analysis, and likely a little extra time added to the development and/or launch cycle.

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Article Tags: product management sales sales process customer needs user adoption saeed khan customer research recruitment software job board software

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