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The ugly side to blogging

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 5:16pm Tuesday 27 April 2010    Print Article

If you run a blog, you should keep it clean. Unfortunately automated systems are not fool proof and spammers can attack your site. The best thing to do if you no longer blog (and update your system software) is to delete it.

Take this example from the LinkMe blog posted over the weekend. Avoid the embarrassment and put processes in place to approve blog posts and comments.

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Article Tags: blogging blogging for recruiters recruitment blog linkme blog spam spam

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 Troy (5:53pm Tuesday 27 April 2010)

Linkme has been a spammers paradise for years!

A simple google search shows spammed pages -

The comment spam is horrendous.

 Candice - CareerPartners (1:53pm Monday 24 May 2010)

Didn't everyone get retrenched last year or something?

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