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Job ad of the month - No weed smoking hippies

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 2:06pm Monday 14 June 2010    Print Article

It's not often you see funny job ads in the paper. But in this weekend’s edition of The Age/MyCareer, (amongst the plethora of ads promoting their iPhone app) I came across a funny job ad by Fusion Workforce.

At Fusion we value people who are: Bloody Funny (we are), Grounded (not by your mum), Confident (FIGJAM), Accountable (just do it), Honest (no BS), Friendly & Infectious (not contagious), Committed (BYO straight jackets), Focused on Health & Well Being with a strong sense of self (No weed smoking hippies) AND most importantly you don't take yourself too seriously, as you can see we don't.

Fusion Workforce, you win the job ad of the month. Well done.

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Article Tags: funny job ads fusion workforce job ad of the month job board mycareer

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 Lorraine (5:08pm Tuesday 15 June 2010)

How nice to see an ad with personality. Well done Fusion.

 Mark Mansour (6:24pm Tuesday 15 June 2010)

Love it! Nothing better than someone who can represent their own brand well!

The message is definetely conveyed well.. they have written an ad targetting a specific demographic.

Hope they found the right person.

 Hai (5:45pm Sunday 20 June 2010)


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