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CareerOne Power Search

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:24pm Sunday 31 October 2010    Print Article

CareerOne has quietly switched on PowerSearch across the public job search function and the resume database. Behind PowerSearch, is a product called 6Sense which has been awarded multiple patents for its semantic search technology.

Statistics released by Monster in the US found that job seekers using 6Sense have applied to 20% more jobs per visit and have viewed 18% more jobs than seekers using keyword based search. It will be quite interesting to hear how job seekers will find more relevant jobs on CareerOne compared to the other job sites.

The search engine understands the meaning behind the search criteria. It finds related job titles, industries and skills that are relevant to what you are looking for. It also builds upon its own artificial intelligence to understand what skills belong to what job categories.

Job Title, Skills/Keywords and Location search fields all have search suggestions being built as you type. You could only imagine the millions of skills and keywords that the system has to process. Search results are returned with a weighting score.

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Article Tags: careerone monster power resume search 6sense job search job board semantic search job keywords power search

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