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Tips for Avoiding Website Roadblocks

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 3:22pm Wednesday 23 June 2010    Print Article

When developing any type of website or software application. Too often you get stuck at the magical 90% completion mark. 90% does not equal 100% satisfaction for any client. We have all been in these situations and Zurb has put together a quick 6 Tips to Avoiding Website Roadblocks blog post.

  • No clear deadline. Although it's a simple concept, many companies have trouble staying on track. Instead of letting problems grow over time, reevaluate progress each week and make adjustments ahead of an impending disaster three months down the road.
  • Perfection. The site is never going to be completely right. Push it live and learn from customers.
  • Unclear goals to launch. Finish lines need a tangible end point. If the team doesn't know how to win, then it's going to get stuck in circles chasing idea
  • Poor project planning. "The easy Photoshop button," "the site that magically fills itself with content," or the "engineering problem that is no big deal." We've all heard (or made) these comments, and they never end well. Pull your team in early and ask tough questions— it's not going to get easier in the middle of the project!
  • Lack of engineering thinking. Websites are moving bits, not dynamic ad boards. The engineer you see as not being a team player probably has a few reasons why the answer is "that won't work"— find out what they are. Look for ways to incorporate engineering thinking into the early phases of a project.
  • No interface talent. Those pages aren't going to just suddenly come together by themselves. Make sure your team is stacked with people who understand how to construct web pages, it's fundamental to a successful web project.

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Article Tags: website development recruitment websites software projects client satisfaction zurb tips for avoiding website roadblocks

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 Teresa Scholten (2:09am Thursday 22 July 2010)

Does this post resonnate! As a business owner that has launched 2 complex sites in the past 18 months, I can relate to the comment regarding perfection. The sites, a VMS and a search engine, will never be "complete". Always a work in progress.

Project planning is essential and we have found that deadlines can be pushed out-many times with good reason.

Great tips, Thomas, and thanks.

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