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Jobvite Share

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 11:40am Monday 29 March 2010    Print Article

Jobvite has released a new beta site to allow you to easily share your job on social networking sites and with your own friends in a few simple steps. The process takes less than 60 seconds, and can integrate with your Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and email account providers. It doesn't even need to be your own job. If you find a job you want to share, you can shorten the URL via the site and share it with your own friends.

The first step is to copy the URL (either the full job ad or application form address) into the form. It will then create a unique "Jobvite Link" you can use to promote and track the click through statistics. Once you have created your Jobvite link, you add information about the job. ie job title, company, location and job description. These details will be used to intelligently match your job with your own contact/friends lists.

The integration with the social networking sites reminds me of a previous article I wrote last year title Sharing Jobs on Social Networks using JobGenie except with this version of Jobvite, the applications are not tracked through the system.

The site is very simple and easy to use. If your current multi-posting/recruitment system does not offer the sharing functionality, perhaps you should start looking for another provider? Integrating with social networks is not rocket science.

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Article Tags: jobvite social networking twitter facebook linkedin job ads multiposting share jobs on social networks click tracking email address url shortner

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 Michelle Rea (3:42pm Monday 19 April 2010)

Has anybody been using this service and if yes, what response have you had and do you have any thoughts to share?

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