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Recruiters decrease the use of Niche Job Boards, Social Networking sites and Refer a Friend Incentives to source candidates?

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 10:32am Monday 22 February 2010    Print Article

The RCSA has released the latest Quarterly Business Manager Survey results for the 4th Qtr 2009. The survey results show a decrease in the use of Niche Job Boards, Social Networking sites and Refer a Friend Incentives to source candidates. But is this survey result a true reflection of industry trends or an error in the survey?

The survey has again failed to correctly identify sourcing channels recruiters use to source candidates!

Social Networking sites should be grouped together. What ever happened to Resume Databases? Newspapers? Print Media? Surely these are more important (and used) channels than Second Life.

Linkme and LinkedIn are the same type of site? Hmm...

4th Qtr 2009
- 177 responses, data collection began early December 2009 and completed 5 February 2010
3rd Qtr 2009 - 201 responses, data collection began early October 2009 and completed 16 October 2009
2nd Qtr 2009 - 184 responses, data collection began early July 2009 and completed 30 July 2009

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Article Tags: rcsa rcsa quarterly business manager survey media used to source candidates job boards networking events niche job boards job board refer a friend business networking trade magazines social networking virtual communication virtual game worlds 4th qtr 2009 candidates

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 Ann (9:56am Tuesday 02 March 2010)

To me Thomas this looks like the RCSA do not even really know what they are surveying. Calling Twitter a "virtual communication channel" and LinkedIn a "business networking site" seems an artificial not to mention misleading distinction. It all seems to contradict the findings from one case study of a SME in Australia. Interested folk can read more here

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