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MyCareer, TradeMe, & TheBigChair?? What is happening down in Fairfax land

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 8:00am Wednesday 24 November 2010    Print Article

Yesterday, Fairfax Media released an important announcement (PDF) as a result of a long winding review of its entire business operations. There were a few strategic announcements made about the future of MyCareer and the new use for

The domain has had a colourful past. Owned or operated by a number of different companies including AdCorp, Bernard Hodes, JobX, etc... and most recently OMG (was Boomerang now part owned by Fairfax). In 2006, our TV screens were plastered with a fictional character called Axel Johnson "What I’m about to show you may change your life. It’s called". What a mess that turned out to be.

The full investor presentation contains over 110 slides, so I have pulled out the most relevant ones for recruitment advertising. Some key takeaways from the presentation are:
  • There was no mention of the future for TheBigChair
  • Fairfax to pursue a dual brand strategy in Australia - MyCareer &
  • MyCareer iPhone App has had 106,838 downloads since the launch in June 2010
  • MyCareer will go "upmarket" (see Shortlist article) to focus on professionals. Repricing of advertising to increase yields to the business
  • to cover lower level, local jobs. Regional, affiliate networks and the Fairfax Community Network to rebrand as (change over has already started)
  • Increase focus on the MyCareer Education Centre
  • Quality over quantity
  • Greater job ad distribution and targeting (ie widgets/job boxes) across mastheads
  • TradeMe Jobs in strong position against SEEK NZ overtaking it in domestic UBs last month. Need to increase yields on advertising products

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Article Tags: mycareer thebigchair trademe jobs fairfax media job boards online recruitment online strategy niche job board job ad yields

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