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IT Video Resume - Killa Appz

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 4:33pm Monday 09 August 2010    Print Article

Dave Berzack, a freelance web developer, created this music video about web development. He raps along to the paper planes track about his skills to pay the bills. Certainly stands out amongst a pile of CV’s. There’s not much else I can add to this... Just watch the video!

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Article Tags: using video in recruitment video cv youtube dave berzack web development rap song candidate video resume

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 Jason (11:16am Wednesday 18 August 2010)

This is a serious case - just because you can doesn't make it right.

I have seen some great use of video on both sides of the fence (recruiter/companies profiling their brand & candidates succinctly and effectively promting their "personal" brand).

However this guy comes off as a complete douche.

 Recruitment Software (10:24pm Thursday 26 August 2010)

That song is possibly the greatest thing i've ever heard!
Can I buy it as an MP3? ha

 Recruitment Software (2:19pm Tuesday 22 March 2011)

Hey Dave,

I like the Lyrics. Also It's like through music you're promoting yourself and your service. Nice going Dave.

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