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Creating a custom Apple iPhone icon for your website

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 11:14am Monday 01 February 2010    Print Article

We are all used to creating a fancy favicon for our websites. But have you got around to creating a custom iPhone or iTouch icon yet?

To configure this icon, iPhone and iPod touch allow a user to save a WebClip bookmark to your site on their Home Screen. To specify a bookmark icon for all pages of a web site, place a PNG image named "apple-touch-icon.png" at the root directory of your web server.

To override the site bookmark icon on a specific web page, insert a <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="[ICON-URL]" />within the element of the page.

The bookmark icon dimensions should be 57px by 57px. If the icon is a different size it will be scaled and cropped to fit.

Safari will automatically composite the icon with the standard "glassy" overlay so it looks like a built-in iPhone or iTouch application.

If you are having trouble creating the icon, you could always use an automatic generator.

So why do you need create a custom icon? As Apple pointed out it's attractive - so users want to keep it on their Home screens; and distinctive - so users can easily find it among all other icons.

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Article Tags: favicon iphone itouch webclip apple icon apple-touch-icon job board recruitment website

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