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Articles tagged with MONSTER

CareerOne and the cookie monster
7:30am Friday 25 March 2011
Tags: careerone monster can careerone ad network tracking cookie recruitment metrics behavioural tracking do not track candidate application process metrics analytics post impression tracking

CareerOne has finally launched a local version of the Monster Career Ad Network (CAN) called CareerOne Ad Network. This would have to be one of the products I am most excited about. I remember being blown away by the technology during a Monster CAN product demo in 2008. read more...

CareerOne Power Search
9:24pm Sunday 31 October 2010
Tags: careerone monster power resume search 6sense job search job board semantic search job keywords power search

CareerOne has quietly switched on PowerSearch across the public job search function and the resume database. Behind PowerSearch, is a product called 6Sense which has been awarded multiple patents for its semantic search technology. read more...

CareerOne. Now powered by Monster
3:02pm Sunday 19 July 2009
Tags: careerone monster job board job board search function proximity search postcode search iphone job comparison

One of the biggest changes to the job board landscape this year would have to be the new CareerOne platform which is now powered by it's partner (and 50% owner) Monster. How much this platform update will help the job board is yet to be known. Can they gain a further hold on the number 2 position and increase market share? All jobs advertised on CareerOne will now be syndicated across Monster powered sites and job seekers will also be able to search for international jobs on CareerOne. read more...

Sneak peek of CareerOne/Monster
8:52pm Tuesday 23 June 2009
Tags: careerone monster integration job ads nsw government job board test ads

Everyone has been asking me the same questions recently: Thomas, what is happening with CareerOne & Monster? What’s the goss? blah blah blah.... Simple answer - I don't know. read more... Test Ads
1:11pm Monday 01 June 2009
Tags: monster fake ads testing report job job board careerone

I have always thought Monster was a good job board platform. But while I was searching Monster today, I came across 123 test adverts (approx) listed in Australia. Not sure whose fault this was - CareerOne? Monster? Advertiser? But it dose intrigue me as why they do not have a "report job" function? read more...

How secure is your Recruitment website? Part 1 - Server Directory Listings
9:08pm Thursday 28 May 2009
Tags: hacking security rcsa recruitment website job board insecure careerone monster server directory listings

Every day, I am informed of another insecure recruitment website. How could this still be possible? The economic downturn has lead to an increase in data theft, with recruitment agencies one of the easiest targets. Information is an asset that, like other important business assets, has value. read more...

Upcoming Webinar - Recruitment Rumble
9:08pm Thursday 30 April 2009
Tags: geoff jennings diane lee thomas shaw online recruitment social recruiting rcsa seek careerone monster webinar rumble discussion debate fake ads recruitment agency

There's nothing like a good stoush. Join online recruitment industry leaders Geoff Jennings and Thomas Shaw for a LIVE "Recruitment Rumble". All gloves will be off as Geoff and Thomas go head to head in a discussion about key topics (Geoff may even wear his shiny purple boxing shorts). read more...