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Mobile Recruitment Websites - Keep it simple

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 1:53pm Tuesday 13 July 2010    Print Article

Does your Job Board or Recruitment Agency website need a native iPhone, Android or BlackBerry application? More than likely the answer will be no. Save your money. You don't need to spend upwards of $5k+ for a single native application. But what you do need is a mobile enabled website.

While I am more than happy to create iPhone Job Search Applications for clients, you first need to understand your target audience. Do they use an iPhone? What about the Android? Do we really want users to apply via their mobile? How much is this all going to cost? Have a read of our previous articles on the subject of mobile recruitment.

What every website needs is a mobile optimised website that can detect, optimise and then render your website on a mobile device. We added mobile functionality to all our client sites that will automatically detect the type of device they are using, and give the user the option to view the mobile site OR the full desktop version if they wish.

See our recent work on Recruiter Daily Jobs on your mobile device, or click on the "view mobile version" link at the bottom of the page.

Keep it simple. Don't redirect the user to multiple screens. Present the user with a search form, clean and unobtrusive search results, add ability to subscribe to email alerts, shortlist jobs via email/sms or refer a job to a friend by email/sms.

What are you doing? Give us a call if you need advice.

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Article Tags: mobile recruitment mobile job sites iphone application blackberry application iphone job search application android application mobile recruiting

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