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Articles tagged with URL MANIPULATION

Is your Job Application Form redirecting candidate applications to identity thieves?
1:52pm Wednesday 10 February 2010
Tags: hijacking job application forms identity theft url manipulation hacking job boards recruitment agency application form candidate details 3rd party application form email address url security risk

Did you know on some application forms you can manipulate the URL and have the candidate’s job application redirected to someone else’s email address? Job boards, career/recruitment websites are already a haven for identity thieves and this "oversight" on your application form is fueling their business! read more...

How secure is your Recruitment website? Part 2 - URL Manipulation
1:20pm Saturday 06 June 2009
Tags: insecure job board recruitment website hacking security url manipulation url hacking url rewriting

URL manipulation is a common issue faced in all database driven sites such as job boards, resume databases, blogs or any other site where parameters are passed via the URL. By manipulating certain parts of a URL, users may be able to access files they are not supposed to have access to. read more...