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2010 Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 2:34pm Wednesday 15 September 2010    Print Article

Technology is moving at a rapid rate. Working out what will be the next big thing is a challenge for most. Should we invest now or wait for the technology to mature. Gartner's Hype Cycle Special Report for 2010 (PDF) consists of 75 individual Hype Cycle reports, each of which gives a snapshot perspective of a key area of IT or business.

Although most Recruiters are still working out how to effectively use their own database. Some recruiters are already utilizing cloud/SaaS services, Tablet PCs, Geolocation, etc.

User experience and interaction, including devices such as media tablets (iPads etc) and 3D flat-panel TVs and displays, and interaction styles such as gesture recognition and tangible user interfaces

Augmented reality, context and the real-world Web. Augmented reality is a hot topic in the mobile space, with platforms and services on iPhone and Android platforms, and it represents the next generation as location-aware applications move toward the plateau. Other elements such as 4G standard, sensor networks and context delivery architecture are evolving more slowly, but they will play a key role in expanding the impact of IT in the physical world.

Data-driven decisions. The quantity and variety of digital data continue to explode, along with the opportunities to analyze and gain insight from new sources such as location information and social media. The techniques themselves, such as predictive analytics, are relatively well established in many cases; the value resides in applying them in new applications such as social analytics and sentiment analysis.

Cloud-computing implications
. Cloud computing is just topping the peak, and private cloud computing is still rising. Cloud/Web platforms are also featured, along with mobile application stores, to acknowledge the growing interest in platforms for application development and delivery.

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Article Tags: emerging technologies hype cycle recruitment technology mobile recruiting gartner gartner hype cycle 2010

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 Arthur k (4:50pm Friday 17 September 2010)

Its about right when it comes to cloud computing I would say. About a year a go, the world couldn't stop talking about it, it has since slowed down. With the NBN on again, the talk will start again but will hopefully matured somewhat.

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