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SMS "Apply" to...

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 7:23pm Tuesday 04 October 2011    Print Article

Victoria Police is currently recruiting for over 900 Protective Service Officers to be stationed across our public transport network.

The recruitment campaign started last month and is currently using a number of mediums to advertise these jobs.

Part of the recruitment campaign involves 2 way SMS function where interested job seekers can SMS "Apply" or "Ready" to 132001 (for those in Australia) and then receive a SMS reply with the application details.

This 2 way SMS process is something we have talked about before....

Users can SMS shortcodes to a phone number (which can be tracked against particular campaigns) and receive more information.

In this example, the response from the system allows us to interact a second time by replying with our email address for an application pack.

But remember, 2 way SMS is not cheap. It may cost an intial setup fee for the shortcode/software and then a cost for each message sent and received.

For more ideas on using SMS in the recruitment process you can read my other postsĀ SMS in Recruitment, SMS Job Alerts, and SMS referral programs.

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Article Tags: sms mobile recruitment recruitment marketing protective service officers victoria police sms marketing in recruitment 2 way sms

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