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Australian Job Board Statistics - September 2010

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 1:16pm Monday 04 October 2010    Print Article

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during September 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 4.128m, CareerOne 1.591m, MyCareer 1.323m

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Article Tags: job board mycareer careerone september 2010 job board report job board statistics seek nielsen netratings

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 Dan Purchas (1:34pm Wednesday 06 October 2010)

Do the Nielsen ratings only show up Australian based visitors?

 Carey Eaton (5:13pm Wednesday 13 October 2010)

Hi Dan

These figures are only domestic for Australian visitors - for international ones add a further 7-8%. Of that international traffic at least 50% comes from New Zealand and the UK.

 Peter Lucas (9:15pm Wednesday 13 October 2010)

I would say it is at the point where reporting the top three is becoming a little worthless. Not much changes. Seek continue to dominate and Careerone and MyCareer stay around about the same. Maybe it would be better to report what is happening further down the ranks, at least there is a greater chance something interesting may be happening. I guess the challenge is that not all the 'minor' players see value in (or have the cash) to subscribe to Nielsens though.

Another thing to consider is that as the industry has evolved well past one dimensional traffic volume numbers, it would be great to see some measurement data come out that showed 'quality' along with or rather than 'volume'. As we all know volume does not equal quality. I guess the challenge is how could you measure quality and what is considered quality?

 Rob Wise (11:38am Monday 01 November 2010)

looking and working toward the day when Job Seekers are "alerted" to suitable Job opportunities on their mobile platform (today the mobile phone) and are responding from this devise skirting around the web job boards.

 Kevin Howard (1:53pm Tuesday 02 November 2010)

"As we all know volume does not equal quality."

If only "we" included all the recruiters out there ;)

The measurement also depends on how you define quality.

One of our largest customers takes a very brutal approach to measuring the performance of the recruitment advertising products they use. They don't track how many candidates came from each job board, they simply record where the candidates whom they place came from!

 GraduateInfo (8:36pm Saturday 22 October 2011)

These stats are very interesting - thanks for providing these!!

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