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CareerBuilder vs Monster. 2010 Super Bowl Commercial

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 4:30pm Monday 08 February 2010    Print Article

Super Bowl XLIV has just finished airing in the United States. One of the highlights each year is the release of new commercials. Over the past few years we have seen CareerBuilder battle against Monster for the best commercial. Who will take out the title this year?

In the Monster Super Bowl Ad, helps a busy fiddling beaver realize his dreams. "Get a Monster Advantage".

CareerBuilder's ad was labeled "too hot for TV" Love Casual Fridays? You might not if you worked here.

CareerBuilder gets my vote. What do you think? CareerBuilder or Monster.

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Article Tags: video youtube 2010 superbowl commercials football tv commercial

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 Vikram Nair (2:56am Thursday 11 February 2010)

Although there's a bias here for CB (since I work for them) - I'm going to have to say that Monster failed to impress this year. I enjoyed their commercial from last year a lot more.

 Luke Carolan (3:44pm Monday 15 February 2010)

A fiddling beaver... If it's meant to be some kind of sexual innuendo I don't get it.

What's it mean Thomas?

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