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MyCareer iPhone App

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 8:00am Monday 31 May 2010    Print Article

MyCareer has released their much anticipated iPhone job search application to the Australian marketplace. The iPhone app has all the standard bells-n-whistle job board functions - search jobs, view job, shortlist, email and a few other surprises including

  • Ability to search multiple sectors and multiple sub-sectors in the same search
  • Add/save notes next to each job
  • Register/Log into your existing MyCareer/Fairfax user account to pre populate the application process and sync your iPhone app shortlist with your existing account.
The app faces the same problem that all other iPhone job search apps have. What happens when the job has an external application form for users to fill out? Not to worry they have included the ability to email the job to your inbox to complete the process on the desktop.

Overall, the iPhone app has a clean UI and is easy to use. I am very impressed by the sync function, and multiple search options. Well done.

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Article Tags: mycareer mycareer iphone app iphone job search shortlist jobs sync shortlist job board add notes mobile recruiting mobile recruitment

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 Another job board (1:29pm Monday 31 May 2010)

Thomas, how do you find out all this?

Someone on the inside or you just know where to look?

 Thomas Shaw (1:33pm Monday 31 May 2010)

It was no secret that MyCareer were building a iPhone app. It is part of the overall Fairfax Digital mobile strategy. They were one of the first job boards to have a WAP/mobile site a number of years ago.

Time will tell if it will be a success or fizzle like all the other iPhone job search apps.

 Marc (3:12pm Monday 31 May 2010)

Why wouldn't you skip developing specifically for the iphone and go straight to the ipad?

seems a little stupid

 Thomas Shaw (3:21pm Monday 31 May 2010)

iphone apps can run on ipads.

They run in their original size or you can expand them to fill the iPad screen.

 rob wise (4:42pm Monday 31 May 2010)

Job ads going Mobile is certainly becoming a reality.

According to ,
dated Oct 13th 2009 at 4:00PM, the iphone, while it was then making a BIG noise in the phone industry, only enjoyed a 21 percent market share.

Back then the heavy hitters in that industry (Nokia, RIM, Samsung et all) had not yet responded with the competitive version of their phone and today we are seeing that competition heat up nicely.

We at SMStheJOB agree with inevitability of the Careeer One move to place job ads on a mobile interface however we decided that the smart phone interface market was and still is so fragmented and likely to be too fluid to commit to a winning platform and that old fashion (and very reliable) sms was the best way to advertise to candidates "on the run".

The other advantages of sms is that the phone is already rigged to alert its user when a new job alert arrives and the way that SMStheJOB have exploited the technology is such that a simply reply sms from the user causes their application and resume to be sent to the Advertiser immediately.

With an sms interface there will be no need to upgrade an app, replace it as you change phones, purchase the app in the first place. The job ad appears as Number 1 spot on the phone as the alert comes in and not in a list of headings or links.

Advertisers using SMStheJOB will be assured that 99.99% of all phones can receive their job ad and will take the number 1 spot on the audiences phone.

Rob Wise

 Mr (9:37am Tuesday 01 June 2010)

It's interesting how a lot of the other job search aps have fizzed when most job search websites are blocked from corporate access. Usability, medium then consumer engagement in this instance. This seems simple and easy to use and could finally have got it right.

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