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Articles tagged with RECRUIT.NET

More jobs than SEEK?
2:53pm Friday 06 April 2012
Tags: seek job board job aggregation scraping uworkin aussierecruitment jobg8 reinvent your career careerone expired ads job ad indeed

I have to give credit to new players entering the market. But basing success on a questionable metric is not a smartest move. Are job aggregators, job boards? read more...

Examples of Search Suggest and Auto-Complete use in a job search
6:23pm Sunday 07 February 2010
Tags: autocomplete autosuggest autofill job search job board recruitment website user experience ux search suggest drop-down job search form job search metrics keyword misspellings did you mean 0 results returned

Search Suggest and/or Auto-Compete is a function usually applied to the keyword field of a job search form. The use of these functions enhances the users search experience through a "suggest as you type" or auto-complete functionality built into the job search form. read more...