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Facebook Messages: Are employers ready for unified communications?

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:59pm Tuesday 23 November 2010    Print Article

Google Wave bought us new ways on how people communicate with each other. The idea was great, but did it users going back for more? I resisted writing about Google Wave. It was a good idea; great mind built an amazing product. Now, I love new gadgets and toys. Usually I am the first one to put my hand up to try something new, but I can't really write about Facebook Messages without trying it first.

I must be on the bad list as there has been no invite to the beta program. The product is said to integrate email, SMS, chat into 1 message. It will make users contactable via their preferred medium.

eg. When someone emails a Facebook friend using their Facebook email account, the recipient can reply in the same window with the system's instant messaging system or email or text message. The aim is to put all types of messaging in one place and allow people to reply in real-time.

Most of the technical details remain unclear as it has not been publically released yet. Facebook Messages users will have two ways to send and receive Office files created in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint to friends and colleagues.

Will recruiters use Facebook Messages? Yes. If there is a medium, we will try to exploit it.

We have heard the court cases some recruiters have been subject to when they leave an employer – who owns the connection etc. So what will happen with the data between both users? Users will need to be aware that there is the potential for Facebook to store a complete archive of all their communications with one person.

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Article Tags: facebook using facebook for recruitment google wave communication sms email facebook chat

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