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Articles tagged with MOBILE MARKETING

"Attaging" with QR Codes - The security threat for mobile recruitment
9:21pm Tuesday 04 October 2011
Tags: qr codes mobile recruitment qr code reader android security virus mobile marketing attaging attack tagging

I love all the hype around mobile recruitment. Apparently, QR codes are all the rage at the moment. Hands up those who have a QR code reader on their phone. Most likely the answer is QR what? read more...

Are your job ads mobile tagged? 2D Barcodes - QR Code & Microsoft Tag
7:45am Friday 05 March 2010
Tags: qr code barcode microsoft tag mobile marketing quick responce codes recruit2retail job ads mobile recruiting iphone qr code reader interactive job ads interactive marketing digital marketing data matrix hccb high capacity color barcode recruitment marketing 2d barcodes recruitment metrics marketing roi

Have you ever noticed weird barcodes printed in the newspaper, on outdoor advertising posters or on the back of food packages? Don't panic, there was no stuff up at the printers. These barcodes are there for a reason…for YOU to scan over with your mobile phone and find out more information. read more...