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Search Jobs by Salary Range

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:00am Sunday 18 July 2010    Print Article

SEEK has released an updated search box that allows users to specify salary ranges. Although this "search by salary range" function is not new to the online recruitment industry. We wanted to have a look at a number of different ways your job board or recruitment agency can offer this function.

I don't recommended job boards adopt salary ranges in their search functions unless
  • You have more than 500 jobs
  • Every job contains salary information
  • Your search function can interrupt Annual/Daily/Hourly rates including super/comm etc.
  • Your search function is easy to use
If we look at the SEEK search box more closely, you will notice they allow the user to specify a [MIN] to [MAX] range for an annual salary or hourly pay rates.

MyCareer allows the user to search [MIN] and [MAX] range. JobsJobsJobs restricts the users to select a predefined salary range.

By having predefined ranges, the user is restricted to an initial search within those brackets.

But on the other side of the globe, Jobsite's [MIN] to [MAX] range is even more restrictive.

Another popular option is to display a sliding scale. Again, SEEK has been able to display one that can switch between an Annual salary and Hourly pay rate. main search function contains a sliding salary range. JobsJobsJobs used to have a sliding scale before the sites software was changed last year.

You could even allow the user to enter a value. Have a look at the search function on JobStreet which allows the user to specify a minimum monthly salary. Although allowing the user to enter a [MIX] and/or [MAX] range has its downfalls.

If we look at the job search form on APS Jobs, you can see it allows the user to specify a [MIN] and [MAX] range.

The system can interrupt both 80000 and 100,000 (fails on 80k - 100k) but it is not able to search based on a daily/hourly pay rates.

Try inputting 50 - 70 or 500 - 700 and you will see my point.

There are many ways to search jobs by salary. Whatever way you choose to implement, you need to make the process easy to use.

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Article Tags: search jobs by salary range pay scale salary brackets annual salary hourly pay rate job board job search

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