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How to confuse a job seeker

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 11:42am Monday 22 March 2010    Print Article

Step 1. Create a confusing location structure.
Step 2. No Step 2, The candidate has left your site.

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Article Tags: online recruitment job board location structure classification structure

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 Luke Sampson (3:51pm Monday 22 March 2010)

Ouch! Can you name names?

 Gareth Jenkins (1:16am Tuesday 23 March 2010)

Another classic I see a lot is having an enormous location list that tries to encompass every location on the planet, when the agency/site only actually has jobs in one corner of one country.

 Funrec (2:37am Wednesday 24 March 2010)

Is it for real!!

I don't believe it.

 Thomas Shaw (2:43pm Wednesday 24 March 2010)

Yes it is real. The global software provider is quite well known. Will see how long it takes for the errors to be picked up.

 Mutale (1:50pm Thursday 25 March 2010)

Ok if its real can you please name names.

 Karalyn Brown (10:44pm Tuesday 13 April 2010)

Most of the emails I receive from job seekers about job hunting say they want locations on adverts as they think the advertiser is deceiving if nothing is listed. Is it a case of be careful what you wish for!

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