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Articles posted on 2008

Eat Your Own Dog Food
4:33pm Tuesday 30 December 2008

I know what you are thinking... what is with the title? Its actually the name of an employers career site Ireckon is an Information Services / Digital Agency who provide a wide range of products and services based on web technologies. Its certinaly a refreshing change from other boring career sites I have seen previously. read more...

Merry Christmas
10:21am Thursday 25 December 2008

Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope you have a great day. read more...

Sandwich Board = Job
10:57am Tuesday 23 December 2008

A job seeker in NT resorted to using a sandwich board to get 3 new jobs in 45 mins. Although after accepting one offer, he failed to show the following day after injuring his back. read more...

Workcircle launches Australian site
9:47pm Monday 22 December 2008

Workcircle (UK based job aggregator) have just released an Australian portal site Workcircle is an international vertical job search engine, aggregating content from job boards, recruitment agencies and employer websites. Currently they are only aggregating content from Jobg8 during this pre release phase, but will launch the full service in the New Year read more...

Jobx vs Seek videos
2:01pm Friday 19 December 2008

JobX must be given credit for trying. I don’t actually remember ever seeing these videos, but a user has forwarded the link to share with everyone. The concept is based on the old Apple vs PC videos. Enjoy. read more...

What Thomas is reading - 19 Dec 2008
12:59am Friday 19 December 2008

This week has been quite big for online recruitment. Most HR/Recruitment would not have even noticed the technology updates to job boards and a variety of small improvements across the major ATS's. In between playing with the updates and preparing for the full launch of Recruitment Directory. I have found a number of interesting documents on e-marketing and social networks which users may find interesting read more...

Inspecht releases 21st Century Recruiting eBook
4:30pm Thursday 18 December 2008

Inspecht has released the much anticipated 21st Century Recruiting eBook. Michael sent me a copy of the book earlier today and WOW was I impressed. The wealth of information contained in the book is relevant NOW! This is certainly one of those books you must have. If you had to source this information yourself it would cost more than $15 - online trends, social networking, social media strategies, online recruitment tools, etc. read more...

Hide recruiter job adverts? No thanks
1:29pm Thursday 18 December 2008

Hippo sneaked in this update to the search function about a month ago. You can exclude adverts from recruiters and your advert is highlighted in the search results. I will let readers and the recruitment industry make up their own mind about this and I believe this will turn off recruitment agencies from advertising on Hippo. What do you think? Recruitment Agency Discrimination? read more...

Hirewall beta release
12:10am Thursday 18 December 2008

Hirewall is a new web-based hiring system for SME's and is currently inviting organisations for Beta release testing. Based in NZ and run by Tim de Jardine - Tech Guru, Entrepreneur, ex Recruitment. (I think I have found a brother). He created Hirewall to provide SME's a non-bloated hiring system that will meet there needs. read more...

New SEEK website design released
11:13pm Tuesday 16 December 2008

SEEK has released its long awaited new home page design and some site updates. Most notable is the horizontal search bar, and the web2.0 look. Kudos to the UX team who have delivered a rich and fresh design. Well done Carey & Team read more...

Concept testing iphone recruitment apps
4:00pm Tuesday 16 December 2008

I am very fortunate enough to be informed daily about new products, innovations and technology from job boards, recruitment agencies and ATS providers - some of that information can be publically talked about, but most (approx 80%) can't be divulged due to various confidentiality agreements. Today I was sent a number of screen shots of an iphone recruitment application in concept development for a [company] in the Australian market. It was very flash, web2.0... but I am not really sure if it will take off (10,000 apps already created for the iphone) read more...

Secure your website!!!
8:00pm Monday 15 December 2008

How many times do you have to tell people that your website MUST BE SECURE?? I have reported this previously to the owner of this leading Recruitment Agency, but it has STILL not been fixed. LISTEN...this is very important and MUST be a top priority, no matter what the cost is. Not only is your directory listings turned on, but you have exposed your server and databases username/password!!! read more...

This job has been sourced from...
9:00am Monday 15 December 2008

Strange behaviour is starting to emerge from niche job boards. Who would have thought we would see the day when a job board states that a job has been sourced from another job board? This example below is one of 100 or more jobs currently appearing on Teen Jobs sourced from JobsJobsJobs read more...

Sydney Talent - Experience is the difference
9:00am Sunday 14 December 2008

A new initative launched by the University of Sydney aims to bridge the gap between university studies and employment I am impressed by the marketing documents, clear and easy to use website as well as reasons behind forging industry and academic relationships. read more...

Saturday fun - Wordle yourself
9:00am Saturday 13 December 2008

This site has been around for a while, but I decided to give it a go on my blog read more...

Communication within the HR community
5:34pm Friday 12 December 2008

There are 2 main HR community forums in Australia - HR Buzz and AHRI's HR Connect These forums are a great chance to have your say on subjects, or talk about a problem you are facing.  I have used both forums in the past, and would recommend users to try both. AHRI's is very limited - as there are no "social" functions for profiles, connecting users, email follow ups etc. Where as, HR Buzz is a community driven site built on a forum platform with integrated social tools. read more...

Job Board Updates - MyCareer jobs on CareerOne
11:00am Friday 12 December 2008

It must be a very hard time for the job board industry at the moment. I don't want to focus or pick on just one job board, it's just the industry needs a bit of cleaning up. So this week... Hippo are advertising for staff on SEEK, unconfirmed closure of JustBe, free job adverts at RecruitMeNow, 2 for 1 deals at JobServe, restructure at MyCareer. Eeeekkkk.... here is another soft kick for the staff at MyCareer moving from Melbourne to Sydney. read more...

Are you looking for the perfect role this Christmas
9:00am Friday 12 December 2008

Kudos to Time Recruitment and Hahn Healthcare for these good laughs. Do you know anyone quirky?... On the second day of Christmas, Hahn Healthcare sent to me. Two GP roles, And a job for a pharma company! read more...

Reminder to all... Do not put your test website online
6:30pm Thursday 11 December 2008

It amazes me how many organisations put a test website online, without the necessary security protocols - anyone can find it. Today we were notified about the new RCSA website The site design is very modulated. There are obviously still errors with the search functions, and missing content. Oh no.... they have chosen Drupal as the CMS I hope my membership data is safe! read more...

Something smells a bit fishy
12:40pm Thursday 11 December 2008

I received this media release from Recruit Me Now (not once, twice, but three times!), at first I was not going to publish it, but I thought I would add my own comments. I have shut my mouth for too long on this site's misleading statements: read more...

Has MyCareer closed it's Melbourne office?
8:54am Thursday 11 December 2008

News was creaping around the blog-o-sphere about some redundancies at MyCareer MyCareer have aparently closed their Melbourne office with staff offered roles in Sydney. Are you one of the affected staff? read more...

Are you about to loose your job?
3:08pm Wednesday 10 December 2008

Over the past few weeks, you would have seen a dramatic rise in organisations firing staff. In the news yesterday, there was an article about Mission Australia and the Salvation Army cutting staff numbers to the Job Network Agencies - but have not told the affected staff... If you are currently work in a IT Help Desk role, maybe you could find a job as a phone sex operator? JobX can help you find that new job. read more...

SEEK'ing help on a new home page design
11:55am Tuesday 09 December 2008

I have come across SEEK's new home page designs today, and was quite suprised by the new look. Have a look at the screen shots I was able to get. The only difference between the 2 designs I was presented with is the colour scheme. Note: These are currently undergoing extensive market research - designs can change! Participate in the survey today read more...

Social Media Optimisation (SMO) Say What...?
9:58pm Sunday 07 December 2008

So you may have heard about Seach Engine Optimisation (SEO) but do you know what Social Media Optimisation (SMO) is? read more...

Recruitment Agencies on YouTube
6:36pm Sunday 07 December 2008

I have been following a number of Recruitment Agencies who have been creating and publishing videos for youtube. Consultive has stood out from the rest, and have used this new medium to produce a number of effective recruitment videos. read more...

What Thomas is reading - 7th Dec 2008
2:52pm Sunday 07 December 2008

Jobs ads fall for fifth successive month... Sydney Talent... Recruiting and Restructuring in a Downturn... Start-up wonders... Are your job advertising dollars well spent?... Does Social Networking = LinkedIn for Most Recruiters?... read more...

What Thomas is reading - 4th Dec 2008
8:31pm Thursday 04 December 2008

IT employees work hard to keep their jobs... FREE job ads to rec2rec's on Recruit Me Now... ACCC to authorise recruitment code... Sailing ship not a recruitment tool, says navy... 52 ideas on using social media within HR... How important is your career site in 2009?... Social networking etiquette... read more...

How to choose a Job Board
11:03pm Wednesday 03 December 2008

This time last year, I wrote an article in AHRI’s HR Monthly magazine (Nov 2007 issue) on Job Boards. The article was based on trends, as well as emerging players in the industry. Also included in the article was tips for employers and recruiters for choosing a job board. read more...

HR Futures Conference 2009
7:40pm Tuesday 02 December 2008

I have been asked by a industry colleague of mine Michael Specht, to speak at the upcoming HR Futures Conference in Feb 2009. The Inspecht HR Futures Conference brings together speakers covering all areas of HR, Recruiting and Technology to discuss how social media, innovation, culture and technology empower, attract, engage and evolve employees. read more...

2discover Facebook Application
11:59pm Monday 01 December 2008

This is another one of my favourite applications I created for a client earier this year. 2discover is a executive recruitment agency based in Sydney. The brief was quite simple - create a Facebook application that enhanced the 2discover brand which is visually apealing, easy to use, and non intrusive to users read more...

Recruitment Blogs
8:53pm Monday 01 December 2008

It started with an small idea, and has suddenly grown into a syndication machine... Last week, I was thinking about a way I can subscribe to all blogs/news sources - organised by the time they were posted, easy to find, as well as the ability to share the information with other colleagues as easy as possible. Recruitment Blogs was born. read more...

Sheelagh McKenzie Facebook Application
8:29pm Monday 01 December 2008

It's not often I brag or show off work I have completed for a client, but I couldn't resist this one. I was engaged by a allied health recruitment agency called Sheelagh McKenzie earlier this year to create a Facebook Application as well as a social networking strategy. read more...

Twitter and Recruitment
4:50pm Monday 01 December 2008

A few weeks ago, I resigned up for Twitter to see how much it has changed since I was last actively "tweeting" on the website. There has been a lot of discussion about whether Twitter is useful, fun or just a fad. read more...

The Monster is back! Monster to puchase 50% of
9:58am Thursday 27 November 2008

There was speculation back in June 2008, that Monster was set to return into the Australian market. Today Monster/News Ltd announed they have entered into a joint venture partnership for online recruitment. Watch out SEEK, the Monster is back! read more...

Recruitment related Domain Names For Sale
10:23pm Tuesday 25 November 2008

As the demand for Australian domain names continues to grow, the availability of quality domain names becomes less and less. What domain names relating to recruitment, HR, jobs, careers and talent are currently up for sale? read more...

What is an Applicant Tracking System? Who are the main providers?
7:37pm Tuesday 25 November 2008

What is an Application Tracking System (ATS) ? You may have heard the ATS called many different things such as a “Recruitment Database System”, “e-recruitment System”, "Jobmatch", "Talent Management System" etc. For the purpose of this post, I will refer to it as simply an ATS. If I have left any sites or products out, please contact me or leave a comment. read more...

Q&A about SimplyHired launcing in Australia & LinkedIn applications
5:28pm Tuesday 25 November 2008

SimplyHired launces into new markets, LinkedIn API launches with a number of 3rd party applications. I started this self question & answer a number of weeks ago when I was starting to generate content for the blog. read more...

Federal Government adopts Gershom Review
2:59pm Tuesday 25 November 2008

It’s hard enough to find skilled candidates for IT roles in Canberra, but the Federal Governments adoption of the Gershom Review doesn’t make much sense. Canberra is a nice place. But... I couldn't live there permanently. read more...

HR Daily launches
1:31pm Tuesday 25 November 2008

HR Daily a daily email publication was launched last week, and has already taken off with over 3000 email subscribers! read more...

Deloitte Technology Fast 50
12:13pm Tuesday 25 November 2008

The "Deloitte Technology Fast 50" results for 2008 have been released, and it seems only 2 Recruitment/HR service providers have made it into the top 50 read more...

RCSA releases Quarterly Research report Nov 2008
12:11am Tuesday 25 November 2008

The RCSA has released the findings for its latest "Quarterly Research" report Nov 2008. "Demand for healthcare workers appears recession-proof but business professionals are facing a significant slump in their job prospects, according to the latest recruitment industry research." read more...

The Blog is back!
10:41pm Monday 24 November 2008

I thought it was about time I bought back the blog. So here it is in a new format read more...