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Sandwich Board = Job

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 10:57am Tuesday 23 December 2008    Print Article

A job seeker in NT resorted to using a sandwich board to get 3 new jobs in 45 mins. Although after accepting one offer, he failed to show the following day after injuring his back.

Brett Harris uses sandwich board to advertise for a job, Dec 23, 2008,27574,24836517-17001,00.html

"A DO-IT-YOURSELF job hunter has bypassed Centrelink by using a homemade sandwich board - scoring himself three jobs in 45 minutes.

Brett Harris, who is new to the Northern Territory, caught the eye of passing motori
sts earlier this month as he stood by a major highway wearing a sign painted with the words "NEED JOB", the Northern Territory News reported.

"Got three offers in 45 minutes - that's a job every 15 minutes," Mr Harris, 42, said.

He said this was the first time he'd resorted to roadside promotion, but it was preferable to signing up for the dole or joining job agencies.

"Going to these job centres is a waste of time ... I've never got a job from a job service. My way of thinking, if you're broke and you need some money, you get off your arse and work."

Things felt a little weird for Mr Harris as he first donned his handmade creation and stood at the intersection of Stuart Highway and Roystonea Ave, on the edge of Palmerston.

"I thought, 'this is a bit of a bloody stupid idea, Brett'. But then I saw drivers were giving me the thumbs up as they drove passed."

Three enterprising motorists pulled up and offered the ex-Queenslander jobs working as a yardie, digging trenches and mowing lawns - with a fourth offer coming a little later. Mr Harris leapt at the offer of digging trenches, agreeing to meet the man the next day at the same spot at 8.30am. But he said he hurt his back that afternoon helping a friend move concrete - and couldn't make the pick-up.

"I'm just spewing I've let this bloke down - he took the time to stop, he was going to offer me a job, but I didn't think about getting his number or name, and he didn't think about getting mine."

Mr Harris supplied his phone number to the Northern T
erritory News and he would like the man to give him a bell. Meanwhile he has a try-out stint at a local plant hire company in January.

"Pretty much (the board's) the way to go," he said.

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