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The Blog is back!

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 10:41pm Monday 24 November 2008    Print Article

I thought it was about time I bought back the blog. So here it is in a new format

If you would like to post a comment you will need to register with the site before being allowed to post a comment.

It has been over 12 months since I have had my own blog. The blog will hopefully focus once again on products, services, new technologies, web 2.0 mainly for Recruitment and HR.

If readers have a particular topic, product or service they would like me to talk about, feel free to send me a email and I will consider it.

We have decided not to use WordPress, as our current CMS has a well modulated blog/article system which integrates very well into all our sites.

Direct link to the blog is

If there are any problems while we are testing out the functionality, please let me know. Thomas

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 Thomas Shaw (12:38am Tuesday 25 November 2008)

Yay the comment system works! If you want to leave a comment, you will need to register/login into our website

 Geoff (7:38am Tuesday 25 November 2008)

Hey Thomas

I will read with great interest. Welcome back.


p.s. At least we know who you are ;-)

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