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What Thomas is reading - 7th Dec 2008

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 2:52pm Sunday 07 December 2008    Print Article

Jobs ads fall for fifth successive month... Sydney Talent... Recruiting and Restructuring in a Downturn... Start-up wonders... Are your job advertising dollars well spent?... Does Social Networking = LinkedIn for Most Recruiters?...

Jobs ads fall for fifth successive month - The Age
"Job advertisements have dropped for the fifth consecutive month in November, with employees' fear of being fired widespread, a survey shows."

Sydney Talent
"SydneyTalent is a new initiative of the University of Sydney that connects industry with
high calibre, motivated students, from entry level through to experienced PhD candidates."

Recruiting and Restructuring in a Downturn - Smart Company
"Join Amanda Gome,, Dr Lyndel Cuesta, Behavioural Profiling Specialist, and Imogene Devereux, Training Consultant & Facilitator from Drake International, as they discuss how companies need to be be recruiting and restructuring in a downturn and benchmarking the process."

Start-up wonders - The Age
"For any executives or manager facing the horror lay-off season, the idea of starting up your own business may have strong appeal - but do you have what it takes to be a success?"

Are your job advertising dollars well spent? - Recruiter Daily
"Getting the best return on investment from your advertising dollars requires some careful consideration of which job boards to use, says online recruitment expert Thomas Shaw."

Does Social Networking = LinkedIn for Most Recruiters? - ERE
"We ran a webinar today with Elaine Orler and Jason Corsello of Knowledge Infusion about what changes we should expect from recruiting technology in the next year."

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