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Deloitte Technology Fast 50

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 12:13pm Tuesday 25 November 2008    Print Article

The "Deloitte Technology Fast 50" results for 2008 have been released, and it seems only 2 Recruitment/HR service providers have made it into the top 50

Download the full report from here or read more reports from their website

While studying the recent report, we noticed 2 organisations that come to mind providing recruitment/hr related service products to the market. The Top 50 is mostly made up of communication providers.

43rd - Red Balloon
44th - NGA.NET

You may be thinking... why have I included Red Balloon in this post? When I was working as a HR Consultant, we used Red Balloon to facilitate various corporate incentive, reward and recognition programs. Outsourcing programs to these types of providers improved employee morale, high achievers programs and employee development (it also saved me heaps of time)

"RedBalloon is the leading online gift retailer for experiences in Australia and New Zealand. We "package up pleasure" giving people a good time by allowing them to experience something they have always wanted to do."

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