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Eat Your Own Dog Food

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 4:33pm Tuesday 30 December 2008    Print Article

I know what you are thinking... what is with the title? Its actually the name of an employers career site Ireckon is an Information Services / Digital Agency who provide a wide range of products and services based on web technologies. Its certinaly a refreshing change from other boring career sites I have seen previously.

"So imagine if Dog Food companies made their staff eat their own dog food. Imagine how good that food would be! I can imagine it would be damn tasty, loads of different interesting flavours and likely, pretty healthy too!

Well, at ireckon, we want web people who know how that translates to what we do. We want designers and programmers who not only can do lines of design or code but can actually understand what they do and how it gets used.

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 stewy6 (6:41pm Tuesday 30 December 2008)

Ingenious... very refreshing indeed. Kudos that they've continued the theme all the way through the tree, mentioning 'heart worming medication" and labelling CEO as "chief eating officer".

 ireckonoz (10:01pm Tuesday 30 December 2008)

Thanks for your comments. We took the idea even further. When you start with us we give you a can of Puppy Food (staff idea) and then after your 3 month eval is up you progress to Big Dog Food. We even have a room called the Dog House, where peeps can take some time out or casual meetings etc.

But more importantly the site has been the best thing we ever did. It filters out the people who just aren't a right fit for our company and the new staff we have from it are some of our best.

So i guess by eating our own dog food we got a great result.

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