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Q&A about SimplyHired launcing in Australia & LinkedIn applications

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 5:28pm Tuesday 25 November 2008    Print Article

SimplyHired launces into new markets, LinkedIn API launches with a number of 3rd party applications. I started this self question & answer a number of weeks ago when I was starting to generate content for the blog.

In the news last week, SimplyHired an international job aggregation site have launched a number of new local portals in Canada, UK, India and Australia what is it?

Simply Hired is a vertical job search engine that aggregates and indexes millions of job listings from around the world. These jobs are pulled from hundreds of sources by various scraping methods. SimplyHired and are the largest providers of aggregation world wide. It was only a matter of time before these sites launched a local version. In Australia, there are already a number of aggregation service providers such as, MySpider, Jseeker, CareerJet

What is the difference between Google and these job aggregation providers?

Google is a search engine, which spiders websites for new content to updates their search engine, whereas a job aggregation site scrapes the job listing from leading job boards, career sites etc. The scraping occurs via the job aggregation site reading a XML/RSS feed for the new jobs, and updating its existing content.

These sites give the job seekers a “one stop shop” for their job search. There are usually 2 fields for job seekers to use – keyword and location. It is a much faster method for searching all job boards at once.

Last year we saw a number of job boards express concern at these sites for scraping their content. Is job aggregation legal?

This is an interesting point, and I totally agree with the points raised by these job boards. The question is who owns the content. The content is simply the job board post created by the author for that job board. Has the initial publisher of the content agreed for the job board to then syndicate this onto another site or not? It is now common practice for the job aggregation sites to receive expressed permission before scraping the site.

From a recruiter’s perspective, I want my job post to be exposed to as many potential candidates as possible. How have these new technology tools such as social networks, blogs, twitter, online resumes databases, etc helped recruiters.

Using these tools, recruiters have become more connected with candidates and clients. Candidates no longer have to wait for the newspaper, or conduct searches on job boards. Social networks continue to grow in number as well as intelligence. These networks can automatically match your previous searches and listed skills with jobs and other people. Recruiters are now able to headhunt, and search for candidates with particular skills and experience with a few searches and click of a button. The ability to quickly reach candidates via SMS or instant messaging systems has allowed recruiters to streamline and improve business productivity.

It’s important to remember that the emergence of these tools has allowed employers/clients the same opportunity to use these tools as a recruitment agency.

LinkedIn has just opened up its site for 3rd party developers to create applications. What dose this mean?

LinkedIn has followed in the footsteps of Facebook, MySpace and other social networks in allowing developers to create applications within the LinkedIn site which you can put onto your profile and enhance your experience with the site.

In a blog post released by LinkedIn “This initial roll out features productivity applications that range from gathering information that professionals around you are generating to enhancing your abilities to collaborate and communicate more effectively. You’ll be able to work much more closely with your contacts on LinkedIn with tools such as file sharing, project management, business trips and many more.

The nine applications that you see live today on LinkedIn include productivity enhancing applications from Amazon,, Google, Huddle, Six Apart, SlideShare, Tripit, and WordPress as well a Company Buzz application developed by LinkedIn. Each of these applications will help you stay current and competitive as a professional in today's rapidly changing business world.”

The job search application is powered by SimplyHired and has a unique feature that allows the “Who Do You Know” tool to link to a user’s LinkedIn contact list enabling job seekers to see who they know at that the company.

There is now a plethora of these new technologies and sites. How is the average recruiter going to use them?

Recruitment Agencies and Employers need to start to think of creating a “digital marketing strategy” to use these tools. This includes a mix of tools such as job boards, social networking sites, aggregators, blogs, RSS feeds, Twitter, Videos (ie using YouTube or posting it within the job post), and Web2.0. There is no one size fits all approach, and depending on the candidates you are trying to attract you may have different approaches.

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