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Deloitte NZ Facebook profile - Live and Interactive with Graduates

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 1:03pm Wednesday 02 December 2009    Print Article

Over the past few months, I have been watching Deloitte New Zealand build a structured (and very strategic) presence on Facebook. Today, they have released the next piece of the puzzle. Deloitte NZ will be hosting a live-streaming video/Facebook chat session for potential Graduates.

It's something different and certainly an idea that will be picked up by other graduate employers. The live and interactive event will take place 4-4.30pm on Thursday 21 January 2010 (New Zealand time)

To give you greater insight into Deloitte NZ as a potential employer, we're breaking new ground. In the New Year we will be live-streaming via video on this Facebook page to your PC. This will be an opportunity to see and hear from some grads from our Consulting team. You will hear about what they do and get insights into their experiences and impressions. Better still, you will be able to type in any questions for the team. We're hoping it will be a fun, informative and interactive event. We will be providing further details closer to the date, so please stay tuned. We would love to get your thoughts of this initiative.

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Article Tags: deloitte new zealand facebook graduate employment graduate jobs live video graduate experiences

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Using the LinkedIn API

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:37pm Tuesday 01 December 2009    Print Article

Last week, I wrote a blog post about how LinkedIn has released a public API for developers to build 3rd party applications using the database. Today, I thought I would show you how easy it was to create a application utilising the LinkedIn API. I want you to forget that LinkedIn is a social networking site, and think about it as a massive information database. A database you can now use to connect your job board/recruitment system with.

So what kind of integration could we build? Earlier this year, I wrote a blog post titled Share Your LinkedIn Profile showing how JobScore had integrated with LinkedIn to allow job seekers to attach their LinkedIn profile while applying for a job.

Candidates would authorise the application to connect with their LinkedIn profile and the ATS/recruitment system would pull the remote data back to the local system. I would assume the system periodically reconnected with LinkedIn to see if the profile has changed and update accordingly. 

Great! Now we have technical ability (providing the candidate has given consent and not revoked our access) to pull the remote data and automatically update our recruitment system.

I can see this integration being adopted with more job boards over time. In the future, there will be no need to upload your resume every time you apply for a job - you will store your resume on one site, and authorise the recruiter to remotely access your data at any time. A "universal resume" with a one click application process.

In the following example, I have used the LinkedIn API and PHP classes provided by LinkedPHP to connect and pull my profile data from the system.

There should be NO EXCUSE why your recruitment technology vendor is unable to integrate with LinkedIn. The interface script took around 5 hours to build and the hardest part of the process was the initial connection using oAuth.

The first step is to fully understand the documentation, basic profile fields available and signup for an API key.

To connect with LinkedIn, users will need to first authenticate your application using oAuth protocols.

Once the user has authorised your application, they will be redirected back to your website where you can place remote calls to access the data.

As you can see in the example below, I have nearly pulled all the allowed profile data as well as my connections details. You can also try out the online demo here or contact me for the PHP script. 

UPDATE 17th July 2010: We have removed this API demo, please see our new blog posts on LinkedIn methods

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Article Tags: recruitment technology linkedin api linkedin developer application programming interface recruitment database multi job posting systems recruitment technology vendor oauth candidate profile jobscore linkedphp job board recruitment system ats applicant tracking system universal cv universal resume digital resume linkedin profile social networking social network

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Job Board Statistics - November 2009

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:00am Tuesday 01 December 2009    Print Article

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during November 2009. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.987m, CareerOne 1.535m, MyCareer 1.318m

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Article Tags: nielsen netratings job board statistics job board november 2009 seek careerone mycareer job board report

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Cut the fat. Application Form Filename Structure

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 1:18am Friday 27 November 2009    Print Article

Making the candidate conform to your recruitment systems filename structure is stupid. Technology is used to improve the application process - not complicate it.

Earlier this week I had a call from an Employer who just implemented a new online recruitment system... "Thomas what do you think of our new recruitment system" [silence] "great isn't it".

Hello? We are nearly in 2010. This should not be happening.

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Article Tags: online application form filename conversion application form uploading files unique filename online recruitment recruitment technology

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Online Marketing Ideas - Peel Away Ads

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 4:39pm Thursday 26 November 2009    Print Article

Pop ups, pop unders and ads flying onto your pages are ANNOYING. Peel Away Ads are an effective marketing tool as they are non-intrusive and catch the visitor’s eye instantly.

As you can see in the example below from IntegralHRM the ad sits in the top right corner of a site and slightly moves to get a visitors attention. Once a visitor hovers over the small ad, it smoothly opens with a "peel" back motion.

They are noticeable, yet can be ignored very easily since they take up so little space on a page. It’s fun to hover over the ad to make it peel open and close.

What are you doing to make your recruitment website stand out from the crowd?

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Article Tags: online marketing pop ups pop unders peel ads peel away ads recruitment website recruitment agency website website visitors website marketing job boards online advertising integralhrm

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My Presentation from RecruitTECH 2009 on Twitter, Facebook, Recruitment & Integration

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:03am Wednesday 25 November 2009    Print Article

A big thanks goes out to Clayton Wehner from CapitalJobs for organising RecruitTECH 2009 and uploading the video recordings. I was fortunate enough to be one of the presenters at RecruitTECH 2009 - Australian Recruitment and Technology Conference in Canberra ACT. Below is a recording of my presentation was titled "Twitter, Facebook, Recruitment & Integration".

Facebook and more recently Twitter are all the rage on the internet. But do these social networking tools have an application for recruitment? In this session, you will learn how these services can be used to recruit people for your organisation right now.

Whilst many dismiss these sites as a fad, how can we easily integrate our recruitment website or ATS into these systems to collect user data?

The recording has been split into 4 parts. You will need to watch one after the other. The slides are available for download at the bottom of this post.

Download powerpoint presentation - 4.36MB

Download presentation slides, 1 per page - 2.55MB

Download presentation slides, 2 per page - 2.53MB


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Article Tags: youtube thomas shaw recruitment directory recruittech presentations recruitment website ppc openid social recruiting social networking using twitter for recruitment using facebook for recruitment people search engine recruittech 2009 canberra oauth api facebook connect recruitment integration facebook twitter job boards ats applicant tracking systems crm thomas shaw presentation

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LinkedIn API released

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 11:31am Tuesday 24 November 2009    Print Article

Today, LinkedIn announced that it is opening up its API for developers to build applications around the platform. LinkedIn is releasing 11 different APIs, they fall into three distinct categories. First, developers will be able to let users easily access their information, profiles, connections and messages via oAuth login.

The second functionality is to give users the ability to make actionable decisions about information, but letting them message their LinkedIn contacts, post updates, accept contacts and more. And the third piece of the puzzle is search. So developers will now be able to embed LinkedIn search in other applications.

I expect to see developers rush out and try to integrate the LinkedIn platform as fast as possible. Expect to see a number of new applications and updates for existing social networking tools such as TweetDeck.

One of the first applications built using the LinkedIn API is from he developers of TwitterJobSearch comes JobDASH, which is an Adobe AIR powered Twitter and LinkedIn client that serves as a career management tool for IT professionals. It can be used to track colleagues via LinkedIn and track industry news.

JobDASH also features real-time job listings that are posted on Twitter and cross posted from LinkedIn. You will be able to filter listings based on type of job and is with other sites including Indeed and Workhound.

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Article Tags: api oauth jobdash twitterjobsearch adobe air twitter linkedin linkedin api it job seekers indeed workhound linkedin developers tweetdeck job search applications candidate data data

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Creating Adobe AIR Job Search Applications

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 6:30pm Sunday 22 November 2009    Print Article

Unlike traditional applications, Adobe AIR isn’t a desktop application like Photoshop or Excel. It isn’t a web application either like Google Docs. It’s a hybrid that allows it to operate somewhere in between desktop applications and browser based applications.

Adobe AIR which stands for Adobe Integrated Runtime was released in 2008. The technology allows developers to create rich internet applications (RIA’s) that will work the same way across all operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux, Mobile).

You may be already familiar with using Adobe AIR, applications such as TweetDeck (used to manage Twitter or Facebook accounts) are built on this platform.

As you can see with this example, IPA Personnel have used this technology to create a latest jobs application.

Adobe AIR Applications can be built by developers using existing technologies such as XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, Flex etc. It's quite easy to learn how to create an application to display an RSS feed or display a HTML page

But should you create a desktop application? It depends on what type of demographics you are trying to attract.

Since it is just another marketing medium we are using to display jobs, potential candidates may only download it and use it once...then forget about it.

In order for the end user to use the application they will first have to download Adobe AIR onto their computers.

Candidates may be reluctant to download and install any 3rd party applications to a work computer because the application is not browser based, it can interact with the users files and data from their computer.

Adobe AIR applications need to be digitally signed, to assist the end-user in determining whether to trust the application's author. However, the certificates can be self-signed, and many users will ignore the trust warnings and run even those applications that come from untrusted sources.

Adobe AIR has prepared a document titled Introduction to AIR Security as well as AIR:HTML Security FAQ.

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Article Tags: adobe air job search applications desktop job search applications desktop applications job search rss job feed facebook myspace twitter dapp adobe air flash html ipa security issues

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Job Ad Click Through Destination Statistics & Posting Methods Recruiters use on Twitter & Facebook

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 2:00pm Friday 20 November 2009    Print Article

I have just finished collating statistics studying the job ad "click through destination" and "posting methods" Recruiters are using on Twitter and Facebook. I looked at 100 different Australian Recruitment Agency/Recruiters who post job ads to Twitter or Facebook.

The "click through destination" is the link - either a URL or email address, mentioned in the status update. "Posting method" is the method used to post the job ad to the social network.

45% of the job ad links on Twitter click through to SEEK, followed by 15% to the Recruiter/Employers website and ATS. 35% of the job ad links on Facebook have no URL or email address listed, followed by 20% to the Recruiter/Employers website.

68% of Recruiters manually post job ads to Facebook, where as 40% of Recruiters manually post job ads to Twitter.

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Article Tags: facebook job boards api ats rss feed statistics twitter recruiters recruitment agency using facebook for recruitment using twitter for recruitment social recruiting

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Consolidating Unofficial Social Networking Groups

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 10:37am Thursday 19 November 2009    Print Article

Have you ever checked Facebook or any other social networking websites to see if there are any unofficial groups created about your organisation? "I used to work at", "I work at", etc

For any organisation, there is the possibility that there maybe one or many unofficial group" created by past or present employees. Users create these groups to...
  • Stay in touch with former colleagues
  • Discuss things outside work
  • Socialise, interact, etc
That's great - your employees are staying in touch (there will always be HR issues around this). But how can we consolidate ALL these unofficial social networking groups?

You can do this the easy way, or the HARD way. There is at least 3 different internal stakeholders who will want to get involved - Human Resources, Marketing and your Legal department.

I believe the organisation has the right, and should try taking control (or allowed to become an administrator) of the group. If you find there are a number of different groups online, you should contact each administrator, and try to close the group down/merge into a super group.

The easy way is to directly contact the administrator of the group and ask politely. If they are a current employee and you have a social media policy/procedure/guideline in place you may want to enforce this.

If not, you could try going the hard way and proceed with Legal action against the past employees. Such as use of a trademark, defamation, etc.

It’s your employer brand that you have worked so hard to build can be destroyed by social media within minutes.

What ever you do, you need to do something!

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Article Tags: social networking social media social networking groups unoffical social networking groups hr facebook legal issues employees social media policy social networking policy social networking guidelines

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