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Online Marketing Ideas - Peel Away Ads

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 4:39pm Thursday 26 November 2009    Print Article

Pop ups, pop unders and ads flying onto your pages are ANNOYING. Peel Away Ads are an effective marketing tool as they are non-intrusive and catch the visitor’s eye instantly.

As you can see in the example below from IntegralHRM the ad sits in the top right corner of a site and slightly moves to get a visitors attention. Once a visitor hovers over the small ad, it smoothly opens with a "peel" back motion.

They are noticeable, yet can be ignored very easily since they take up so little space on a page. It’s fun to hover over the ad to make it peel open and close.

What are you doing to make your recruitment website stand out from the crowd?

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Article Tags: online marketing pop ups pop unders peel ads peel away ads recruitment website recruitment agency website website visitors website marketing job boards online advertising integralhrm

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 allan (8:55pm Thursday 07 January 2010)

Interesting… I might try some of this on my blog, too. It’s quite interesting how you sometimes stop being innovative and just go for an accepted solution without actually trying to improve it… you make a couple of good points.

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