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Articles tagged with INDEED

More jobs than SEEK?
2:53pm Friday 06 April 2012
Tags: seek job board job aggregation scraping uworkin aussierecruitment jobg8 reinvent your career careerone expired ads job ad indeed

I have to give credit to new players entering the market. But basing success on a questionable metric is not a smartest move. Are job aggregators, job boards? read more...

LinkedIn API released
11:31am Tuesday 24 November 2009
Tags: api oauth jobdash twitterjobsearch adobe air twitter linkedin linkedin api it job seekers indeed workhound linkedin developers tweetdeck job search applications candidate data data

Today, LinkedIn announced that it is opening up its API for developers to build applications around the platform. LinkedIn is releasing 11 different APIs, they fall into three distinct categories. First, developers will be able to let users easily access their information, profiles, connections and messages via oAuth login. read more...