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Job Ad Click Through Destination Statistics & Posting Methods Recruiters use on Twitter & Facebook

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 2:00pm Friday 20 November 2009    Print Article

I have just finished collating statistics studying the job ad "click through destination" and "posting methods" Recruiters are using on Twitter and Facebook. I looked at 100 different Australian Recruitment Agency/Recruiters who post job ads to Twitter or Facebook.

The "click through destination" is the link - either a URL or email address, mentioned in the status update. "Posting method" is the method used to post the job ad to the social network.

45% of the job ad links on Twitter click through to SEEK, followed by 15% to the Recruiter/Employers website and ATS. 35% of the job ad links on Facebook have no URL or email address listed, followed by 20% to the Recruiter/Employers website.

68% of Recruiters manually post job ads to Facebook, where as 40% of Recruiters manually post job ads to Twitter.

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Article Tags: facebook job boards api ats rss feed statistics twitter recruiters recruitment agency using facebook for recruitment using twitter for recruitment social recruiting

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 Liz (7:51am Monday 23 November 2009)

Thanks for your survey. I found it very interesting how many link throughs went to Seek rather than the originating organisation's website. I wonder whether additional employer branding and value sharing opportunities are potentially being lost?

 Kelly Magowan (12:57pm Monday 23 November 2009)

Interesting research Thomas. I am concerned about the number of ads going straight to an ATS - as clearly these ads are failing to share detailed job information with the job seeker which cannot be an overly strategic move by the advertiser. So long as the Twitter or Facebook job ad goes to a site be a the employers, recruiters or job site that offers more information and a contact point then this makes sense. Going straight into an ATS seems pointless. I wonder what the drop out rate is when the job seeker hits the ATS?

 Pat McDonald (5:30pm Monday 23 November 2009)

From my perspective it would be interesting to know how many organisations (including recruiters) use the services of top tier business schools for posting job advertisements in order to find the right candidate? Such an association with MGSM opens up access to a large pool of business talent.

 Unfadyslals (2:02am Monday 01 February 2010)

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