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Creating an Effective Social Media Strategy, Part 8 - Be Prepared for Success, Don’t Forget to Plan

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 12:30pm Wednesday 26 August 2009    Print Article

Social media’s ability to spread your message or promote a campaign can be very powerful. Be prepared for your social media campaigns to succeed and plan for a greater response than you are used to.

While not every campaign may result in high traffic or far reach, the potential is there. Not being able to deliver on that success, could turn into a PR nightmare. Some of the problems you could face when delivering your strategy include
  • You choose the wrong media channels
  • You use the wrong people to deliver the message
  • Your content sucks
  • Your team dose not believe in the strategy
  • Poor execution
  • No one trusts you
Make sure you aren’t overselling to your potential customers through your messaging. Know what your limits are and your strengths. If you can’t deliver, don’t try to make your customers believe that you can.

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Article Tags: social media social media strategy social networking online recruitment creating a strategy conversation communication collaboration pr spokespeople vocus online marketing online communication social recruiting social recruiting strategy

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