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Deloitte NZ Facebook profile - Live and Interactive with Graduates
1:03pm Wednesday 02 December 2009
Tags: deloitte new zealand facebook graduate employment graduate jobs live video graduate experiences

Over the past few months, I have been watching Deloitte New Zealand build a structured (and very strategic) presence on Facebook. Today, they have released the next piece of the puzzle. Deloitte NZ will be hosting a live-streaming video/Facebook chat session for potential Graduates. read more...

Using the LinkedIn API
9:37pm Tuesday 01 December 2009
Tags: recruitment technology linkedin api linkedin developer application programming interface recruitment database multi job posting systems recruitment technology vendor oauth candidate profile jobscore linkedphp job board recruitment system ats applicant tracking system universal cv universal resume digital resume linkedin profile social networking social network

Last week, I wrote a blog post about how LinkedIn has released a public API for developers to build 3rd party applications using the database. Today, I thought I would show you how easy it was to create a application utilising the LinkedIn API. I want you to forget that LinkedIn is a social networking site, and think about it as a massive information database. A database you can now use to connect your job board/recruitment system with. read more...

Job Board Statistics - November 2009
9:00am Tuesday 01 December 2009
Tags: nielsen netratings job board statistics job board november 2009 seek careerone mycareer job board report

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during November 2009. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.987m, CareerOne 1.535m, MyCareer 1.318m read more...

Cut the fat. Application Form Filename Structure
1:18am Friday 27 November 2009
Tags: online application form filename conversion application form uploading files unique filename online recruitment recruitment technology

Making the candidate conform to your recruitment systems filename structure is stupid. Technology is used to improve the application process - not complicate it. read more...

Online Marketing Ideas - Peel Away Ads
4:39pm Thursday 26 November 2009
Tags: online marketing pop ups pop unders peel ads peel away ads recruitment website recruitment agency website website visitors website marketing job boards online advertising integralhrm

Pop ups, pop unders and ads flying onto your pages are ANNOYING. Peel Away Ads are an effective marketing tool as they are non-intrusive and catch the visitor’s eye instantly. read more...

My Presentation from RecruitTECH 2009 on Twitter, Facebook, Recruitment & Integration
9:03am Wednesday 25 November 2009
Tags: youtube thomas shaw recruitment directory recruittech presentations recruitment website ppc openid social recruiting social networking using twitter for recruitment using facebook for recruitment people search engine recruittech 2009 canberra oauth api facebook connect recruitment integration facebook twitter job boards ats applicant tracking systems crm thomas shaw presentation

A big thanks goes out to Clayton Wehner from CapitalJobs for organising RecruitTECH 2009 and uploading the video recordings. I was fortunate enough to be one of the presenters at RecruitTECH 2009 - Australian Recruitment and Technology Conference in Canberra ACT. Below is a recording of my presentation was titled "Twitter, Facebook, Recruitment & Integration". read more...

LinkedIn API released
11:31am Tuesday 24 November 2009
Tags: api oauth jobdash twitterjobsearch adobe air twitter linkedin linkedin api it job seekers indeed workhound linkedin developers tweetdeck job search applications candidate data data

Today, LinkedIn announced that it is opening up its API for developers to build applications around the platform. LinkedIn is releasing 11 different APIs, they fall into three distinct categories. First, developers will be able to let users easily access their information, profiles, connections and messages via oAuth login. read more...

Creating Adobe AIR Job Search Applications
6:30pm Sunday 22 November 2009
Tags: adobe air job search applications desktop job search applications desktop applications job search rss job feed facebook myspace twitter dapp adobe air flash html ipa security issues

Unlike traditional applications, Adobe AIR isn’t a desktop application like Photoshop or Excel. It isn’t a web application either like Google Docs. It’s a hybrid that allows it to operate somewhere in between desktop applications and browser based applications. read more...

Job Ad Click Through Destination Statistics & Posting Methods Recruiters use on Twitter & Facebook
2:00pm Friday 20 November 2009
Tags: facebook job boards api ats rss feed statistics twitter recruiters recruitment agency using facebook for recruitment using twitter for recruitment social recruiting

I have just finished collating statistics studying the job ad "click through destination" and "posting methods" Recruiters are using on Twitter and Facebook. I looked at 100 different Australian Recruitment Agency/Recruiters who post job ads to Twitter or Facebook. read more...

Consolidating Unofficial Social Networking Groups
10:37am Thursday 19 November 2009
Tags: social networking social media social networking groups unoffical social networking groups hr facebook legal issues employees social media policy social networking policy social networking guidelines

Have you ever checked Facebook or any other social networking websites to see if there are any unofficial groups created about your organisation? "I used to work at", "I work at", etc read more...

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