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Hide recruiter job adverts? No thanks

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 1:29pm Thursday 18 December 2008    Print Article

Hippo sneaked in this update to the search function about a month ago. You can exclude adverts from recruiters and your advert is highlighted in the search results. I will let readers and the recruitment industry make up their own mind about this and I believe this will turn off recruitment agencies from advertising on Hippo. What do you think? Recruitment Agency Discrimination?

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Hirewall beta release

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 12:10am Thursday 18 December 2008    Print Article

Hirewall is a new web-based hiring system for SME's and is currently inviting organisations for Beta release testing.

Based in NZ and run by Tim de Jardine - Tech Guru, Entrepreneur, ex Recruitment. (I think I have found a brother). He created Hirewall to provide SME's a non-bloated hiring system that will meet there needs.

"Traditional hiring systems focus on collecting information whereas, Hirewall focuses on the hiring and decision management. By streamlining the recruitment system, Hirewall's workflow engine allocates tasks, prompts and weighs each decision that needs to be made.

These include the notification of candidates, recruiters and employees regarding when they need to act and exactly what they need to do.

Recruitment is very much a decision tree style industry and many good hires are successful due to the right timing and the speed at which quality decisions are made. With Hirewall, your team, recruiters and candidates will know exactly what is going on. It gets entire teams involved in the process which ensures team buy-in and candidate fit before a hire is made.

Simple, Online Speed. Manage your candidates online, build your own talent silo, gain group consensus before a hire and make decisions as fast as humanly possible"

I heard about Hirewall earlier in the year, and have followed there progress over the past few months - gearing up to this beta release.

We will be interviewing Tim in a blog post after Christmas, but in the meantime - you can follow Tim and the team on Twitter or follow the blog for more information

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New SEEK website design released

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 11:13pm Tuesday 16 December 2008    Print Article

SEEK has released its long awaited new home page design and some site updates. Most notable is the horizontal search bar, and the web2.0 look. Kudos to the UX team who have delivered a rich and fresh design. Well done Carey & Team

There have been many changes, and we did notice that the IT section is no longer separate and has merged into the general search. The site flows very well, and the hover over search results stands out. There is a search filter on the search results (much like mycareer or simplyhired) and image "on hover" over the search results, which is a great improvement.
  • Simpler navigation - Quick access to My Account & Job Mail and Tools & Resources. Find IT jobs easily from our home page search.
  • Search by work type - Find full-time, part-time, contract or temp jobs directly from our home page.
  • Search from any page - We’ve added the search bar to the top of more pages, so it’s there when you need it.
  • Easier to browse and read results - We’ve highlighted the location, salary, and job title to make it faster to find the right jobs for you.
  • Quick access to SEEK’s sites - It’s now easier to access jobs in different countries, as well as other SEEK sites such as SEEK Learning.
Good work! But I voted for the pink version

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Concept testing iphone recruitment apps

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 4:00pm Tuesday 16 December 2008    Print Article

I am very fortunate enough to be informed daily about new products, innovations and technology from job boards, recruitment agencies and ATS providers - some of that information can be publically talked about, but most (approx 80%) can't be divulged due to various confidentiality agreements.

Today I was sent a number of screen shots of an iphone recruitment application in concept development for a [company] in the Australian market. It was very flash, web2.0... but I am not really sure if it will take off (10,000 apps already created for the iphone)

I do not have a iphone yet; maybe after Christmas and when my phone contract expires I will get one. The concept of this application is good but my advice back to the product team was the following...
  1. You should not be creating applications just for the iphone - Your website/application should be mobile ready for the future. Google android phone will be on our shores soon. What about the blackberry?
  2. Is the data secured?
  3. Is the application data/bandwidth heavy?
  4. Is the application necessary?
  5. Is it going to improve business productivity?

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Secure your website!!!

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 8:00pm Monday 15 December 2008    Print Article

How many times do you have to tell people that your website MUST BE SECURE?? I have reported this previously to the owner of this leading Recruitment Agency, but it has STILL not been fixed. LISTEN...this is very important and MUST be a top priority, no matter what the cost is. Not only is your directory listings turned on, but you have exposed your server and databases username/password!!!

It was only a few days ago, I wrote about the lack of security for the RCSA new test site here "Reminder to all... Do not put your test website online"

If you don't believe me [Recruitment Agency]... is this your file containing the DB and FTP details?

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This job has been sourced from...

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:00am Monday 15 December 2008    Print Article

Strange behaviour is starting to emerge from niche job boards. Who would have thought we would see the day when a job board states that a job has been sourced from another job board? This example below is one of 100 or more jobs currently appearing on Teen Jobs sourced from JobsJobsJobs

TeenJobs has a brand new user interface which looks like a clone of Hippo

Here are some questions to Teen Jobs from a employer/advertisers perspective
  1. Is TeenJobs getting paid from JobsJobsJobs for advertising the job or by the number of applications it provides?
  2. Dose the client (original owner of the copy) know about this arrangement? If not, why not - they are the copyright holders of the content.
  3. If I advertise my job on JobsJobsJobs first, will it automatically be syndicated to Teen Jobs?
  4. The job board demographics is teens but there are many jobs require qualifications and experience?
Click here to view the full image

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Sydney Talent - Experience is the difference

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:00am Sunday 14 December 2008    Print Article

A new initative launched by the University of Sydney aims to bridge the gap between university studies and employment I am impressed by the marketing documents, clear and easy to use website as well as reasons behind forging industry and academic relationships.

SydneyTalent is a new initiative from the University of Sydney that connects outstanding students with potential employers for part-time and full-time employment as undergraduates, graduates and highly skilled postgraduates.

In its first three years, SydneyTalent anticipates placing 3,700 students. Among its aims,SydneyTalent is committed to:
  • Enhancing the experience of every student by providing the opportunity to complement academic studies with meaningful, paid employment, and life and work skills development
  • By connecting dedicated and ambitious students with employers, create ongoing relationships between students and industry that will reap immediate and future benefits
  • Improve student employability through SydneyTalent training programs that prepare students for the workplace environment
"The worst thing about hiring young people for a job is teaching them how to do their job. It takes weeks, sometimes months. And then, more than likely, they'll move on. What if there was a way you could hire smart, enthusiastic people, who are drilled in workplace basics before they even walk through your door? There is. With SydneyTalent."

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Saturday fun - Wordle yourself

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:00am Saturday 13 December 2008    Print Article

This site has been around for a while, but I decided to give it a go on my blog

"Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends. "

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Communication within the HR community

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 5:34pm Friday 12 December 2008    Print Article

There are 2 main HR community forums in Australia - HR Buzz and AHRI's HR Connect These forums are a great chance to have your say on subjects, or talk about a problem you are facing.  I have used both forums in the past, and would recommend users to try both. AHRI's is very limited - as there are no "social" functions for profiles, connecting users, email follow ups etc. Where as, HR Buzz is a community driven site built on a forum platform with integrated social tools.

Both sites are quite bland, and feel "dead" but there is communication between users discussing a range of topics.

Note: You do need to be a member of AHRI to post comments, registration for HR Buzz is free.

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Job Board Updates - MyCareer jobs on CareerOne

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 11:00am Friday 12 December 2008    Print Article

It must be a very hard time for the job board industry at the moment. I don't want to focus or pick on just one job board, it's just the industry needs a bit of cleaning up. So this week... Hippo are advertising for staff on SEEK, unconfirmed closure of JustBe, free job adverts at RecruitMeNow, 2 for 1 deals at JobServe, restructure at MyCareer. Eeeekkkk.... here is another soft kick for the staff at MyCareer moving from Melbourne to Sydney.

Click here for the full screenshot

Link to the job advert

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