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Are you looking for the perfect role this Christmas

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:00am Friday 12 December 2008    Print Article

Kudos to Time Recruitment and Hahn Healthcare for these good laughs. Do you know anyone quirky?... On the second day of Christmas, Hahn Healthcare sent to me. Two GP roles, And a job for a pharma company!

SEEK 10th Dec 2008

MyCareer 10th Dec 2008, View the full job advert here (its quite long)

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Reminder to all... Do not put your test website online

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 6:30pm Thursday 11 December 2008    Print Article

It amazes me how many organisations put a test website online, without the necessary security protocols - anyone can find it. Today we were notified about the new RCSA website

The site design is very modulated. There are obviously still errors with the search functions, and missing content. Oh no.... they have chosen Drupal as the CMS I hope my membership data is safe!

Securing your website, is one of my main points in an article I was quoted in a few months back "Recruitment industry gets "100% fail rate" on IT security - Shortlist News 7th Oct 2008"

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Something smells a bit fishy

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 12:40pm Thursday 11 December 2008    Print Article

I received this media release from Recruit Me Now (not once, twice, but three times!), at first I was not going to publish it, but I thought I would add my own comments. I have shut my mouth for too long on this site's misleading statements:

"Where the Industry's Employers of Choice find their consultants?
Where experienced recruiters go to search for the best jobs?
Where new recruits go to launch their careers in recruitment?
Where you can create your profile, sit back and let the recruiter come to you?
Where recruiters go to talk to other recruiters?"

Step up and provide some evidence - statistics, surveys, employer testimonials, FACTUAL items please.

Recruit Me Now has consistently produced outlandish statements. Here is one from the original media release last year...but I am still waiting to see how this will take off.

" (rectalk) - is an online portal and forum for recruitment professionals to communicate and network with industry professionals. Recruitment Academy's managing Director Michael Dimopoulos claims will be "the Facebook of the Recruitment Industry".

Settle down. Michael did invite me to his new Ning group yes anyone can create their own Ning site. But HOW can recruiters get value out of this group? Hey, if you want a good see a good Ning community site check out or or

Maybe you should start with a Facebook Application contact us for help. first?

I am not alone in my stance, have a look at a fellow blogger here

Obviously the job board is failing. Regardless of its motivations, though, it's time Recruitmenow stops producing misleading statements. As a recruiter, shouldn't I use my networking skills that have been imbedded into me to find a job? Isn't that what your training sessions are about - Networking to find candidates. Recruiters are very networked join LinkedIn

If there are any recruiters/employers who would like to comment on this, please do so.

"Recruitment Specialist Job board Recruit Me Now take the initiative to rattle the cages and shake up the Job board price war…..

Recruit Me Now the No. 1 Career Site Exclusive for Recruiters has recently announced to all Recruitment to Recruitment firms that all jobs posted on Recruit Me Now are free. With the continuing price war on all major Job Boards and the current economic climate founder and Managing Director Michael Dimopoulos says it's time to introduce a far more cost effective solution to our Industry. Dimopoulos believes that over the past 3 years listening to clients the most common issue was always around the continuing rise of job board fees, how the major players always had a better advantage over the SME's and boutique agencies not to mention within minutes your jobs fell into a plethora of no mans land of cyber.

It's time to take a stance and Recruit Me Now asks that if the Industry supports this innovation then it will guarantee never to enter into the monopoly that the Job Board space has become and will always be a cost effective solution to advertising positions, after all it's advertising on the internet so surely the current costs are unrealistic. Far too much money has been made out of the Industry to date and Recruit Me Now will ensure a far greater return of investment being an Industry Specific Career Site.

This is the first stage of Recruit Me Now's pricing relief and there will certainly be many more initiatives to come say's Dimopoulos. My objective is to showcase the No. 1 Recruitment Industry Career Site and our impressive recourses, functionalities and technology which is far greater than a mere Job Posting board. The Recruitment Industry was well overdue for its own career site and it is time to take a stance and I believe that Recruit Me Now is the best site in the market.

We have already seen a number of rec2rec's embrace this offer and support this initiative.

Recruit Me Now, Australia & New Zealand's first exclusive Recruitment Industry career site has arrived and is designed exclusively to bring job seekers and employers in the Recruitment Industry together and offer a full range of state of the art technology and functionality. Recruitment agencies will have the choice to select candidates directly from Recruit Me Now at a third of the costs of current industry sourcing arrangements."

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Has MyCareer closed it's Melbourne office?

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 8:54am Thursday 11 December 2008    Print Article

News was creaping around the blog-o-sphere about some redundancies at MyCareer MyCareer have aparently closed their Melbourne office with staff offered roles in Sydney. Are you one of the affected staff?

First posted here

It was only last month that " experienced its highest ever number of candidate applications and a 25% lift in unique browsers* in October" boasts record month for job applications

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Are you about to loose your job?

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 3:08pm Wednesday 10 December 2008    Print Article

Over the past few weeks, you would have seen a dramatic rise in organisations firing staff. In the news yesterday, there was an article about Mission Australia and the Salvation Army cutting staff numbers to the Job Network Agencies - but have not told the affected staff... If you are currently work in a IT Help Desk role, maybe you could find a job as a phone sex operator? JobX can help you find that new job.

Staff face sack at charity job network - SMH

"Between 100 and 120 jobs will be lost at the Salvation Army, and last week Mission Australia said 73 positions would go, mostly in NSW. The agencies - the two biggest providers of job placement services - cited the lack of job vacancies because of the global financial crisis as the main reason."

Hang on... maybe you should tell your staff they are about to loose their jobs??

A Mission Australia Job Network manager said staff would be told on Tuesday next week who would lose their jobs. "Managers have been told who is to go, but we're not allowed to tell staff. It's disgusting."

24 Alternative Careers for Tech Workers That Aren't in IT - CIO

"With IT departments laying off staff to cut costs and a grim outlook for IT job growth in 2009, now's a good time for tech workers to get out of IT. Here's a list of jobs tech workers could easily switch into. (But hold onto your hats, some may really surprise you.)"

Help Desk Administrator

Unflappable personalities, infectiously pleasant demeanors and an ability to calm stressed-out users are hallmarks of the best help desk workers. They're driven by a genuine desire to please others and solve people's problems, which is why the following jobs would suit them...

Entrepreneurs: Use your winning personality and customer service orientation to buy a franchise or start your own business.

Sales reps: If starting your own business sounds too risky, you can use your engaging personality to sell luxury goods in a high-end boutique, pharmaceuticals to doctors or software to CIOs.

Recruiters: Recruiters solve companies' staffing problems, and they're known for their sunny dispositions.

Customer service reps: The best customer service workers, like the best help desk workers, remain calm in stressful situations and are able to impose that calm on others.

Social Workers/Psychologists: These professions leverage your desire to help others.

Phone Sex Workers: You're good on the phone, right?

Well JobX can help you find that new career you always wanted

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SEEK'ing help on a new home page design

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 11:55am Tuesday 09 December 2008    Print Article

I have come across SEEK's new home page designs today, and was quite suprised by the new look. Have a look at the screen shots I was able to get. The only difference between the 2 designs I was presented with is the colour scheme. Note: These are currently undergoing extensive market research - designs can change! Participate in the survey today


Design 1 Click here for a full page view

Design 2 Click here for a full page view

UPDATE: There are more designs which users have forwarded to me

Design 3 Click here for a full page view

Design 4 Click here for a full page view

Maybe SEEK should concentrate on fixing existing design errors with the template system first?

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Social Media Optimisation (SMO) Say What...?

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:58pm Sunday 07 December 2008    Print Article

So you may have heard about Seach Engine Optimisation (SEO) but do you know what Social Media Optimisation (SMO) is?

Wikipedia -

"Social media optimization (SMO) is a set of methods for generating publicity through social media, online communities and community websites. Methods of SMO include adding RSS feeds, adding a "Digg This" button, blogging and incorporating third party community functionalities like Flickr photo slides and galleries or YouTube videos. Social media optimization is related to search engine marketing, but differs in several ways, primarily the focus on driving traffic from sources other than search engines, though improved search ranking is also a benefit of successful SMO.

Social media optimization is in many ways connected as a technique to viral marketing where word of mouth is created not through friends or family but through the use of networking in social bookmarking, video and photo sharing websites. In a similar way the engagement with blogs achieves the same by sharing content through the use of RSS in the blogsphere and special blog search engines such as Technorati."

An example of SMO, would be adding social bookmarking buttons to the job advert page, or as we have done at the bottom of this article. It allows users to add the article to a social bookmarking site. Doing this will make the content available via the bookmarking site for other users - increasing visits to the bookmarked content, thus increasing the spread of your job advert > increasing candidate views.

Blogs, Bookmarking/Tagging, Brand monitoring, Content aggregation, Crowdsourcing/Voting, Discussion boards and forums, Events and meetups, Mashups, Microblogging, Online video, Organization and staffing, Outreach programs, Photosharing, Podcasting, Presentation sharing, Public Relations - social media releases, Ratings and reviews, Social networks: applications, fan pages, groups, and personalities, Sponsorships, Virtual worlds, Widgets, Wikis

There are many different bookmarking sites you can choose to integrate with or simply use services provided by or
  • SMO allows you to reach and interact with your audience, providing your users a personal touch
  • SMO will give you first-hand information about the experience, needs, sentiments, and feedback from the users
  • It brings you closer to the people who use your website
  • It allows you to build a dynamic community that will create loyal followers for your website and in turn transform these users into clients or candidates
I can't take any credit for these rules below, they were submitted by users from this site

1. Increase your linkability - This is the first and most important priority for websites.  Many sites are "static" - meaning they are rarely updated and used simply for a storefront.  To optimize a site for social media, we need to increase the linkability of the content.  Adding a blog is a great step, however there are many other ways such as creating white papers and thought pieces, or even simply aggregating content that exists elsewhere into a useful format.

2. Make tagging and bookmarking easy - Adding content features like quick buttons to "add to" are one way to make the process of tagging pages easier, but we go beyond this, making sure pages include a list of relevant tags, suggested notes for a link (which come up automatically when you go to tag a site), and making sure to tag our pages first on popular social bookmarking sites (including more than just the homepage).

3. Reward inbound links - Often used as a barometer for success of a blog (as well as a website), inbound links are paramount to rising in search results and overall rankings.  To encourage more of them, we need to make it easy and provide clear rewards.  From using Permalinks to recreating Similarly, listing recent linking blogs on your site provides the reward of visibility for those who link to you

4. Help your content travel - Unlike much of SEO, SMO is not just about making changes to a site.  When you have content that can be portable (such as PDFs, video files and audio files), submitting them to relevant sites will help your content travel further, and ultimately drive links back to your site. 

5. Encourage the mashup - In a world of co-creation, it pays to be more open about letting others use your content (within reason).  YouTube's idea of providing code to cut and paste so you can embed videos from their site has fueled their growth.  Syndicating your content through RSS also makes it easy for others to create mashups that can drive traffic or augment your content.

6. Be a User Resource, even if it doesn’t help you - Add value to users, including outbound links to areas that could help them with their goals and purposes. Deployed corrected, even if you link to competitors you stand to gain as the communities first source of information finding. How will this help SMO? Folks will link to your social site and tag is as helpful or the ‘ultimate’ guide in that space. As this adds up, it will become more and more relevant in search engine results.

7. Reward helpful and valuable users - Often helpful or popular users will be influencers and champions within your social site, devise ways to elevate them buy promoting their works on the homepage, or develop a rating system. Sometimes a quick email or note in private telling them you appreciate them can go a long way. Some folks have done that to me, and for communities I run, I do that as well. Only do if sincere. Perhaps this is not truly SMO, but it will help to keep the most valuable members of a community closer to your site.

8. Participate - Join the conversation. Social Media is a two way street, lets not forget that. By conversing with the community you are creating awareness and prolonging your buzz. You are keeping it going and this often results in a snowball effect. Participating helps your message spread further and faster.

9. Know how to target your audience - If you don't even know your target audience you are in trouble. I would love to have everyone using my product too, but you need to be realistic. There is always going to be a certain audience you can appeal to and others that you can't. So know your appeal and who it is appealing to.

10. Create content - There are certain kinds of content that just naturally spread socially. It does not matter what industry you are in and what boring products you sell, there is always some kind of content that can be created that will work. Whether it is creating widgets, making people laugh, or writing a whitepaper, it can be done. Know what type of content can work for you and create it.

11. Be real - The community does not reward fakers. While social media optimization is becoming very important you can't forget about good old SEO either. Google and Yahoo still drive mass amounts of traffic and you ca not ignore them. It is all about leveraging new mediums and riding these waves. Even though you might be getting dirt on the white glove you still have to take advantage of these powerful channels.

12. Don’t forget your roots, be humble - Sometimes it can be easy to get carried away being a BlogStar or industry talking head. Remember those who helped you along the way, and that respect will help all involved.

13. Don’t be afraid to try new things, stay fresh - Social Media is changing and morphing by the minute, keep up on new tools, products and challenges in your social sphere.

14. Develop a SMO strategy - define your objectives and set goals. Be fully aware of what your desired outcome is as a result of performing these tactics. Reputation, sales, influence, credibility, charity, traffic/page views, etc.

15. Choose your SMO tactics wisely - Be cognizant of what actions will influence the desired outcome with the most impact. Think about what you can do to enable content creation as well as the repurposing of that content for what might possibly be the most productive outcome.

16. Make SMO part of your process and best practices - As with good SEO, SMO tactics should become part of your organization’s best practices. Find ways to incorporate SMO tactics at the “template” level of document creation and as part of information distribution. Minor things like encouraging social bookmarks and rewarding incoming links as a standard practice across the organization can go a long way.

Also, here is a great video from Shifted Pixles

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Recruitment Agencies on YouTube

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 6:36pm Sunday 07 December 2008    Print Article

I have been following a number of Recruitment Agencies who have been creating and publishing videos for youtube. Consultive has stood out from the rest, and have used this new medium to produce a number of effective recruitment videos.

Consultive is a specialist recruitment consultancy providing solutions for the construction, civil engineering and infrastructure industries. Have a look at there other videos here Below is a recent upload from Consultive

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What Thomas is reading - 7th Dec 2008

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 2:52pm Sunday 07 December 2008    Print Article

Jobs ads fall for fifth successive month... Sydney Talent... Recruiting and Restructuring in a Downturn... Start-up wonders... Are your job advertising dollars well spent?... Does Social Networking = LinkedIn for Most Recruiters?...

Jobs ads fall for fifth successive month - The Age
"Job advertisements have dropped for the fifth consecutive month in November, with employees' fear of being fired widespread, a survey shows."

Sydney Talent
"SydneyTalent is a new initiative of the University of Sydney that connects industry with
high calibre, motivated students, from entry level through to experienced PhD candidates."

Recruiting and Restructuring in a Downturn - Smart Company
"Join Amanda Gome,, Dr Lyndel Cuesta, Behavioural Profiling Specialist, and Imogene Devereux, Training Consultant & Facilitator from Drake International, as they discuss how companies need to be be recruiting and restructuring in a downturn and benchmarking the process."

Start-up wonders - The Age
"For any executives or manager facing the horror lay-off season, the idea of starting up your own business may have strong appeal - but do you have what it takes to be a success?"

Are your job advertising dollars well spent? - Recruiter Daily
"Getting the best return on investment from your advertising dollars requires some careful consideration of which job boards to use, says online recruitment expert Thomas Shaw."

Does Social Networking = LinkedIn for Most Recruiters? - ERE
"We ran a webinar today with Elaine Orler and Jason Corsello of Knowledge Infusion about what changes we should expect from recruiting technology in the next year."

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What Thomas is reading - 4th Dec 2008

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 8:31pm Thursday 04 December 2008    Print Article

IT employees work hard to keep their jobs... FREE job ads to rec2rec's on Recruit Me Now... ACCC to authorise recruitment code... Sailing ship not a recruitment tool, says navy... 52 ideas on using social media within HR... How important is your career site in 2009?... Social networking etiquette...

IT employees work hard to keep their jobs - Smart Company
"A new survey of IT staff shows more than half are concerned about losing their jobs, but over 33% say they would work longer hours with a 25% pay cut to keep them."

FREE job ads to rec2rec's on Recruit Me Now - Onrec
"Today we have announced you can post as many jobs on Recruit Me Now for FREE (yes that’s right FREE)"

ACCC to authorise recruitment code - Dynamic Business
"The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has issued a decision proposing to grant authorisation to the Recruitment & Consulting Services Association Limited (RCSA) to uphold the code for professional practises within the recruitment industry."

Sailing ship not a recruitment tool, says navy - Yahoo7/ABC
"The Royal Australian Navy says it has no plans to use the Young Endeavour sail training ship as a recruiting tool, even though the force is currently understaffed."

52 ideas on using social media within HR - Michael Specht
"It has taken me a while to get this lists published, I originally had the idea six months ago! Below are 52 ideas on how you can use social media within your HR and Recruitment strategy."

How important is your career site in 2009? - Talent Cloud
"Much money has been spent on career sites for general, graduate and niche recruitment but what will investment in these sites be like for 2009?"

Social networking etiquette - Recruiting Blogs
"I just had a candidate completely ruin their chances with my hiring manager because they didn't understand proper online "social" etiquette. It is easy to get too get a false sense of familiarity with people sometimes, which sometimes have the less desirable effect of looking like a ciber-stalker."

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