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When will Print die? Online vs Print

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 7:00am Thursday 27 August 2009    Print Article

79% of jobs advertised in Australia are online, 73% of job seekers prefer online compared with print. But that only equates to 39% of the overall $$ advertising spend in the marketplace. Clearly, the structural shift in how people look for work proves that using print media is a waste.

Why are employers/recruiters wasting money using print media, when there is no accurate measurement of readership or ad views compared with online?

The statistics show that there is still plenty of room for online job boards to increase advertising rates. 

Revenue will be generated from increasing yields with the existing client base and bolt-on products.

Job boards don't need to drop their pants with cheaper adverts, specials or bundles. But refocus on the value online provides compared with print.

Does that mean there is there room for more job boards? No, I still believe the market is too fragmented. Any new job board will have problems in establishing traffic and differentiating themselves from existing sites.

The main industry sectors that are propping up print include: Government, Health and Education. How can we increase the uptake from print to online?

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Article Tags: online recruitment job boards print media job adverts anz job advertisements series job seeker preference statistics revenue model online vs print

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 dorota (10:17am Friday 28 August 2009)

This article could be quite interesting if there was any source provided. Thomas, could you tell us, where you have your data from?

 Thomas Shaw (10:49am Friday 28 August 2009)

Hi Dorota,

The sources are listed below the images, but I am happy to point out where the data came from. The data was first displayed by SEEK on 26th July 2009, Full Year June 2009 Results Presentation. The ANZ Job Advertisement Series research is independently compiled by the ANZ Bank.

Not sure if you are able to get your hands on more detail about the Newspoll.

Hope this helps your research. Cheers. Thomas.

 JohnnyRotten (2:06pm Friday 28 August 2009)

Nice post thanks Thomas.

Print still has a place when it comes to bringing in quality applicants - that's what some of our research has shown anyway. The analysis of volume (which print can't do effectively) only shows part of the picture...

 anvilman (1:20pm Monday 05 October 2009)

Thomas, don't forget those ridiculous priced print ads in the Saturday papers are used more as a branding exercise and to lure passive candidates that might not have an active job alert or looking at job boards. I doubt they will go away as fast as you think as I like you can't beleive the cost!

 Dunken Francis (2:28pm Tuesday 02 February 2010)

Good post Thomas - here in NZ job sites such as Seek and NZJobfinder have both grown exponentially in the last few years, and with the advent of hand held tech like iphones more and more people will expect the immediacy of web searches as opposed to flicking through a print ad.

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