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Upcoming Webinar - Recruitment Rumble

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:08pm Thursday 30 April 2009    Print Article

There's nothing like a good stoush. Join online recruitment industry leaders Geoff Jennings and Thomas Shaw for a LIVE "Recruitment Rumble". All gloves will be off as Geoff and Thomas go head to head in a discussion about key topics (Geoff may even wear his shiny purple boxing shorts).

Joining in the live discussion is Diane Lee, founder of Even It Up! providing a perspective from the job seeker point of view and "outsider" to the industry.

Topics for discussion include:
  • Future of the traditional Job board?
  • SEEK vs. CareerOne/Monster - who will win?
  • Fake job adverts?
  • RCSA: Soft as a marshmellow?
  • Should I use a recruitment agency or go direct?
  • Background searching candidates online?

Do you want to listen or join in the discussion? Thursday 7th May 2009, 11am - 12noon AEST
Sign up at

Geoff Jennings is the controversial man at the helm of, a site dedicated to keeping the recruitment bastards honest. He has worked for online industry leaders and is currently Managing Director of

Thomas Shaw is the pretty boy of online recruitment, having established his stranglehold of the industry via his blog By day he works in the recruitment industry, and at night a tweet from Thomas can make or break your organisation.

Diane Lee is the founder of Even It Up! which aims to provide information about recruitment practices for Australian jobseekers. Diane is leading the revolt from frustrated job seekers who want an even playing field

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Article Tags: geoff jennings diane lee thomas shaw online recruitment social recruiting rcsa seek careerone monster webinar rumble discussion debate fake ads recruitment agency

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