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CareerOne. Now powered by Monster

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 3:02pm Sunday 19 July 2009    Print Article

One of the biggest changes to the job board landscape this year would have to be the new CareerOne platform which is now powered by it's partner (and 50% owner) Monster. How much this platform update will help the job board is yet to be known. Can they gain a further hold on the number 2 position and increase market share?

All jobs advertised on CareerOne will now be syndicated across Monster powered sites and job seekers will also be able to search for international jobs on CareerOne.

Although the changes may be hard to recognise for a "common job seeker". I will try to point out some of the job search updates and issues we have found.

From a job seekers point of view, the sites structure and layout has been left much the same, with all the "static" pages - job seeker resources, ask Kate, research companies/recruiters, etc left the same.

The search function has been expanded to include the ability to select up to 20 different job categories/occupations and expanded location search including postcode and proximity search (ie. within 5km) I wonder when we can expect results to be displayed on Google Maps?

The job search results are neatly displayed with only the job title, advertiser, location, date and distance. Expanding the job details will display the short description. Plus all the usual bells and whistle functions - save, rss, related jobs, sort by date/relevance, etc. It will be interesting to see how often the distance function is used, and how relevant the search results are.

As previously revealed in this blog post Sneak peek of CareerOne/Monster, the job advert has been expanded to include further details about the advertiser and it gives the advertiser more room for branding and a structured layout. The bottom purple bar has the ability to pop up (over the job advert) to display the apply now form. Jobs with an external application form will open in a new window.

A new job seeker function released in the update is what CareerOne is calling "Job Comparison" we haven't tried the new function yet but it states "Once you apply for a job, you will be given the option to compare yourself to other candidates, which will show you what jobs they've also applied for - so you never miss an opportunity."

Unfortunately with any review, comes some criticisms.

I initially tried searching on CareerOne via my iphone but was unable to conduct a proper search as I could not scroll through the various categories/occupations in the multi-select drop down.

Another problem was that you could not scroll through the whole job advert or pop up the footer bar.

The advertiser portal has also been updated with a fresh new design and dashboard. They have also released a new job feature (upgrade) called "Premium Listings". A premium listing includes a 7 day auto refresh, the ability to brand your listing with the inclusion of your logo and the option to bold job title in search results pages.

Overall the upgrade looks good. I expect we will see some more products rolled out very soon.

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Article Tags: careerone monster job board job board search function proximity search postcode search iphone job comparison

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