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What really grinds my gears

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 2:06pm Tuesday 03 February 2009    Print Article

You know what grinds my gears, scam job adverts, MLM (multi level marketing) roles, work from home jobs, "the secret", etc!

If your job board dose not verify ALL advertisers and approve the adverts they post online, you could expect to start seeing more and more fake advertisements popping up.

It's quite easy to create a fake advertiser on a job board. Create a fake email address on Google/Hotmail, enter an incorrect ABN and so forth. Redirect the job seeker back to your own site where they have to enter their personal details or purchase/buy something!

All “work from home” categories should be scraped from job boards as it’s not actually a job but more an business investment/opportunity.

Stop deceiving genuine job seekers!

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