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Translating Recruitment Software

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 12:30pm Wednesday 14 October 2009    Print Article

With a combination of automatic translation software and the power of mass collaboration, Google Translator Toolkit is helping an Australian recruitment software vendor the ability to translate their software into Arabic. Previously, we discussed the possibility of translating recruitment websites into other languages, but what if you could translate your promotions and products for free?

Automatic language translation often fails to understand the context of a word and usually misinterprets recruitment terminology. To address this flaw, Recruitment Systems are now sharing screenshots of their TRIS software with Arabic speakers to create much more accurate translations.

This form of crowdsourcing combines the speed of automatic translation with the logic of human translation and the only cost to Recruitment Systems is the prize they are offering to one lucky translator  (an F1 racing experience).

This is not the first time the power of the crowd has been used to translate a system. Facebook translated their pages into more than 65 different languages. Even so, Recruitment Systems' TRIS Recruitment CRM product is to be the first major ATS to be available in Arabic.

As you can see in the screenshot below, Arabic-speaking recruiters are presented with a split screen to compare English and Arabic text. When the document was uploaded it was automatically translated and 24% of the words were accurate. As people contribute to the translation, the system selects the most accurate Arabic words to use.

If you understand Arabic and you would like to take part in this recruitment software translation, visit the website.

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Article Tags: recruitment software language translation google translate recruitment systems tris collaboration crowdsourcing google translator toolkit arabic recruitment system ats applicant tracking system

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