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Kan je vertalen?

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 1:51pm Tuesday 13 October 2009    Print Article

Can you speak another language besides English? I know I can't. So what happens when you view a recruitment website in another language?

  • Guess what the words mean
  • Get a friend to translate
  • Use translation software to translate the webpage into your language
There are a variety of free/paid translation software available including Babylon, Google Translate, Yahoo Babel Fish, WorldLingo, etc.

Automatic software translation has many downsides. Not all words can be translated and often words can mean different things in different languages. Also, graphical text is unable to be translated.

In this example we are using Google Translate to automatically translate this job board from Japanese to English.


Original with translated tooltip

Translation with original tooltips
(note: Image tabs not translated)

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Article Tags: google translate language translation language yahoo babel fish babylon wordlingo

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