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Guidelines on Recruitment Advertising
9:22pm Monday 13 July 2009
Tags: australian government recruitment advertising recruitment guidelines print media government apsjobs recruitment campaigns

The Australian Government has introduced a whole-of-government approach to recruitment advertising. These guidelines took affect from 1 July 2009 and apply to all government agencies/department subject to the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997. read more...

With or without www?
8:39pm Sunday 12 July 2009
Tags: www server recruitment website job board error www prefix search engine optimisation seo accessibility cookies

Some people are very anal about whether URLs should have a www prefix or not. I personally think domains look naked without them, and there is a reason why we use the www in the first place. read more...

Use of Google Maps in a Job Search
1:12am Friday 10 July 2009
Tags: google maps job search search results mashup api jobmaps gis jobs clearinghouse jobloft zubedjobs twitterjobsearch location based search google maps job search

The idea of mashing together Google Maps with a job search has been around since early 2006. But does it help a job seeker with their job search? read more...

Job Seekers should use a Recruitment Agency
9:22pm Tuesday 07 July 2009
Tags: recruitment agency recruitment consultant job seekers talent management candidates recruitment industry recruitment agencies finding a job

There are lots of things to take into account when choosing which Recruitment Agency you should use. In response to the 10 Things We Hate About Recruitment Companies article, let's take a look at why job seekers should use a Recruitment Agency. Looking for a job can be a time consuming and frustrating experience... Searching for jobs, telephone interviews, responding to selection criteria, in-person interviews, psychometric profiles, waiting for a call that sometimes doesn't arrive can all add up to stress, that makes it hard to focus and find that job you want! read more...

10 Things We Hate About Recruitment Companies
6:42pm Tuesday 07 July 2009
Tags: recruitment agency even it up standards job seekers candidates

I wanted to provide this article from a job seekers point of view. Like it or not, recruitment companies are firmly entrenched as part of the hiring landscape. However, all the evidence collected by Even It Up! seems to point to the fact that they notoriously over-promise and under-deliver? read more...

Job Site Updates
9:48pm Monday 06 July 2009
Tags: lifestylecareers job boards mumbrella myjobwizard job sites resume services

A number of new job sites have recently launched in Australia. These include Lifestyle Careers, My Job Wizard, and mUmBRELLA has added a jobs section. read more...

My job site has been hacked. What do I do?
10:16pm Sunday 05 July 2009
Tags: security job board malicious code insecure hacking personal information defacement information security security breaches recruitment website wordpress drupal google webmaster tools damage control

If you think your website is safe, think again. Over the weekend 6 job sites were hacked and defaced. One of the first things that comes to my mind when I see that horrible “You’ve been hacked” message is… I wonder what information has been stolen? passwords, contact details, resumes, credit card/banking details, etc. read more...

Where did you hear about this job? Tracking Candidate Sources
1:07am Friday 03 July 2009
Tags: ats applicant tracking system application tracking system sources of hire tracking statistics jake firth sourcing data job boards recruitment marketing metrics sources of hire sources of talent

Do you track where your candidates have come from? If you are using some sort of application tracking system (ATS) in your recruitment process; more than likely you have the ability to automatically track where the candidate has come from. read more...

Changes to Employment Law, What this means for Employers
8:15pm Thursday 02 July 2009
Tags: lawlive employment law legal advice fair work regulations unfair dismissal warning notices termination small business

As of the 1st of July 2009 a number of changes have come into effect relating to employment under the new Fair Work Regulations. The following blog post has been provided by LawLive. read more...

Shut Up and Get Back to Work
5:02pm Tuesday 30 June 2009
Tags: iphone game enabled games iphone application

When Frank the Foreman shouts, you must do exactly what he says within the set amount of time (in time with the music). Shut Up and Get Back to Work is an interactive application designed for the iphone. It has four commands - you must pinch, slide, press or swipe the appropriate controls in the correct order Frank tells you. read more...

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