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Was the NSW Government Job Board Hacked?

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 8:34pm Monday 26 January 2009    Print Article

The news is currently reporting that the NSW Government's Job Board website has been hacked. The site is currently offline and undergoing security testing and maintenance. Am I surprised by the lack of security around job boards and recruitment websites? No, no, no!!!

Who is next...? Which recruitment website has its FTP/Database passwords currently online, and has had its website compromised recently by an insecure CMS (Content Management System) script which is linked to over 40,000 customer/client details. More to reveal over the next few days. In the meantime, have a read of some previous articles I wrote on Scams/Hacking regarding Recruitment/Job Boards. Securing your website, is one of my main points in an article I was quoted in a few months back "Recruitment industry gets "100% fail rate" on IT security - Shortlist News 7th Oct 2008"

SCAM - Job Seekers beware

Secure your website!!!

Reminder to all... Do not put your test website online

Links to the news articles regarding the NSW Government site.

Government job website hacked,27574,24965834-29277,00.html

Spammers hack into Government jobs website

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