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How much would you charge?

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 8:39pm Sunday 04 January 2009    Print Article

I have been searching the internet looking to see if there are any Recruitment Agencies in Australia passing on any charges for advertising a role on social networks or using them as a database for clients. I have found an example (not that good) but still it's an example.

So how is this agency advertising the role through Facebook? I did a search and managed to work out that they are just posting the role to their own "page" as well posting the role via the consultants own "profile".

Come on... you can post it to your own profile/page via the click of a button!! Do I think this agency is pulling the clients leg? YES
  • Why don’t they create an application? Latest jobs, refer a friend etc
  • CPC/CPM adverts?
  • Post the role in the marketplace?
  • Join groups
  • Why just Facebook? What about Myspace, Twitter, etc...

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