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Radio Interview - Great jobs and where to find them

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 12:36pm Monday 16 March 2009    Print Article

Earlier today, I was interviewed on a radio show called Career Communique Radio - Your Career Catalyst co-hosted by multi award-winning Career Management, Personal Branding Strategist and Author of "10 key steps to Ace that Interview" - Annemarie Cross and Career Coach - Keith Keller.

The show was titled "Great jobs and where to find them". You can download the show from here (note: 9mb) or listen to the podcast below. The interview starts with me at the 10m40s mark. You can listen to the edited version below.

Great jobs and where to find them

Need to find a job? In today’s job market it’s all about job seekers finding jobs through non-traditional sources. No longer is the traditional model of ‘waiting for a job to be published and then sending your resume through’ good enough.

Display job advertisements in newspapers are drying up as the advertisers are moving to online and other mediums. So if you’re currently in the job market and want to get access to great jobs – this show is a must listen!

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